Covering meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Covering
Other : अवच्छद Ex:  Oil-cloth is used as covering for shelves, tables etc..
आच्छादन Ex:  She is covering for our secretary who is ill. आच्छादी Ex:  It seem that the sky is starless for the clouds are covering the sky. आटोप Ex:  The insurance company deceived me when they told me they were covering my house आड़ Ex:  Ladies use fishnet for covering their hair. आवरक Ex:  a protective covering आवरण Ex:  Insulating tape is used for covering the electrical wires to prevent the.
possibility of an electric shock.
उ:   मंदिर का पूरा वाह्य आवरण सोने की चादरों और प्लेटों से बना हुआ है।
आवेष्टक Ex:  It has a staff of Cambodian and foreign journalists covering national news उहार Ex:  Erie is home to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Erie, covering 13 counties . ओट Ex:  The Sultan has forbidden the covering of faces in public office. उ:   गलियारे पहले लकड़ी की ओट में थे पर समय के साथ लकड़ी हटा दी गयी है। कोश Ex:  The Vindhya range runs across most of central India, covering a distance of . उ:   उनके व्याकरण तथा कोश बनाए जाते हैं। छतरी Ex:  This three-layered covering is composed of the dura mater उ:   तीन मंजिला छतरी जिसमें ८४ भव्य स्तम्भ हैं। छद Ex:  Commercial Wi-Fi services covering large city areas are in place in London छाजन Ex:  Thompson traveled with the team around the U.S., covering its games. छादन Ex:  These four armies were covering a front of only 36 kilometers उ:   छादन सामग्री की विविधता ढालू छतों में विशेष दिखाई पड़ती है। छोल Ex:  The main television channel covering Geneva is the Télévision Suisse Romande झाँप Ex:  Also, the 737 has no full doors covering the main landing gear. पटाव Ex:  Louisville Metro has 122 city parks covering more than 14,000 acres . परिच्छद Ex:  Some schools provide a "basic" education covering years 1 to 9
Covering ki paribhasha : vah kapad jo kisi vastu ke oopar lapet ho
Usage of Covering in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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