Covetous meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Covetous
As adjective : अंछया Ex:  He has covetous plans to grab his fathers wealth.
अकलखुरा Ex:  being covetous of wealth, of property of another आद्यून Ex:  Watching something a covetous eye गर्द्धन, गर्धन गर्द्धी, गर्धी गार्द्धित, गर्धित गृध्नु जरपरस्त तृषु धनकाम, धनकाम्य नित्पृह फल्गुद बिडालवृत्तिक बुलहवस रँहचटा लाभलिप्सु लालच उ:   चुनौती को और बढाते, तीन साल का लगान माफ़ करने का भी लालच दे दिया। लालची लाषुक लुबुधा लोभी लोलजिह्व लोलता हिरसी हिर्साहा
Covetous ki paribhasha : koi padaartha, visheshataः dhan aadi praapt karane ki itani adhik aur aisi kaamana jo kuchh bhaddi aur bedhngi ho
Covetous synonyms
acquisitive avaricious avid eager envious gluttonous grasping green-eyed itchy jealous keen mercenary rapacious ravenous selfish voracious yearning close-fisted grabby piggish ensurient grudging hogging prehensile swinish
Covetous antonyms
benevolent generous giving
Usage of Covetous in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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