Coziness meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Coziness
As noun : आराम उ:   इससे काफी आराम मिलता है।
आसाइश खुसफैली जोष विनिवृत्ति विश्रमण श्रांति सलतंत सुकून सुखक्रिया सुखासिका सुपास सोच्छ्वास
Coziness synonyms
amenity contentment enjoyment satisfaction convenience well-being luxury relaxation pleasure warmth happiness relief abundance assuagement complacency alleviation peacefulness sufficiency quiet repose poise facility cheer exhilaration succor gratification plenty opulence rest cheerfulness bed of roses creature comforts snugness restfulness
Coziness antonyms
inconvenience discontent displeasure dissatisfaction sadness sorrow woe lack agitation upset worry bother botheration exasperation torment torture hindrance hurt injury misery unhappiness need want gloom pain depression aggravation annoyance distress irritation
Usage of Coziness in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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