Craft meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Craft
As noun : आर्ट Ex:  he represented the craft of brewers उ:   वाडाकर ने ही मार्शल आर्ट की महान परंपरा विकसित की थी।
इंडस्ट्रियल Ex:  The air craft was swallowed in the clouds. उ:   यह डाउ जोन्स इंडस्ट्रियल एवरेज का एक पूर्व घटक भी है। इंड़स्ट्री Ex:  These craft "fly" close to the surface of the ground or water. उड़ानघाई Ex:  She was talented in making home craft tools. एरोप्लेन Ex:  Gompers was an advocate of craft unionism कज्जांकी Ex:  This craft was recently deployed by the UK in Iraq. कमलियत Ex:  A contemporary labor union might include workers from only one trade or craft कलाकौशल Ex:  The first craft to reach the surface of the Moon was Luna 2 कुशलता Ex:  While unmanned Soviet probes had reached the Moon before any U.S. craft उ:   चित्रों के तकनीकी पक्ष को कुशलता से सँभालते हैं। गुरुप्राई Ex:  The U.S. craft Gemini 8 चलाँकी Ex:  The Great Taste of the Midwest craft beer festival चाबुकदस्ती Ex:  Windhoek has two airports: Eros on its outskirts for smaller craft चालाकी छल Ex:  This includes mathematical models, patented inventions and craft skills. चालाकी Ex:  2006. In early 2007 the craft made use of a gravity assist from Jupiter. उ:   भय राजनीतिक और सांस्कृतिक रूप से चालाकी से जोड़ा-तोड़ा जा सकता है। छतीसापन Ex:  Josquin likely learned his craft in his home region in the North छलछद Ex:  As the only US craft to operate under a Letter of Marque since the War of 1812 छलछिद्र Ex:  There are a total of 436 registered fishing craft in the city. छोटी नाव या जहाज Ex:  Ocean-going craft were required for the colonization to happen. जुलबाजी Ex:  A done masterfully, Something very well made, conceived and executed by someone who has all the resources of his art, the secrets of his craft टिरिकबाजी Ex:  A pleasure craft ठगपना Ex:  Art and craft of bonnetier or he sells Merchandise ठगविद्या Ex:  Art, potter's craft ढोँगधतूर Ex:  By extension, he said of the craft itself Ex:  craft currency, Making Species उ:   ॐ नमस्ते रुद्र मन्यवऽ, उतो त ऽइषवे नमः। तरंडा, तरंडी Ex:  Each of his craft दृष्टिबंध Ex:  Giving serve a dish of his craft धूरतताई Ex:  He said specifically of people who make craft of singing धूर्तता Ex:  He well understood his craft धूर्तमता Ex:  In terms of the navy, he said to a motorized craft in the service of a warship धौर्तिक Ex:  It also designates the set of people who make craft sewing नौका Ex:  It is a novel about the craft उ:   झील में नौका विहार का आनंद भी लिया जा सकता है। पर्णाल Ex:  It says above all a craft that spills and permanently loses his balance पादालिंदा Ex:  Lace imitation, which is made in craft फरफदी Ex:  Make a craft thing, Doing something usually interested in views, make a kind of बनबाइन Ex:  Make the pirate craft बना होना Ex:  Marine lightweight gateway based on certain pleasure craft or trade for communicating the front with the back बाजीगरी Ex:  One who publishes craft show some curiosities बास्तुक Ex:  Small craft in use in the Archipelago and Constantinople मंत्रशक्ति Ex:  The art of painting, craft painting मायाप्रयोग Ex:  The art of war the War craft लाढ़ियापन Ex:  The one, the one that exerts a mechanical art, a craft वक्रधी Ex:  The police defended to craft regulations Sundays and holidays वक्रभाव Ex:  The writer's craft वटाल Ex:  We need to put this book on the craft वहल Ex:  Whoever knows the practical processes of an art, a craft and knows the use वाधू Ex:  , He a large faculty of assimilation, it has the ability to learn the ideas, the knowledge, principles of an art or a craft वारिरथ Ex:  , Spoil the craft वार्वट वेटी व्याजीकरण शल्लिका शिल्प कला या हस्त कला शिल्प कला शिल्प दस्‍तकारी शिल्प उ:   प्रस्तुत काव्य में छायावादी शिल्प का आभास है। सयानपत हरामजदगी हवाई जहाज हाथाछाँटी हुस्यारपन हूर्छन
Other : कला Ex:  S-IVB, assisted in driving the craft into Earth orbit उ:   यह अपने समय की कला का श्रेष्ठतम नमूना है। छोटा जहाज Ex:  Many film makers also practice their craft out of Nairobi. जहाज Ex:  Recreational or educational craft still use wind power उ:   जहाज के समस्त ढाँचे की रचना पंजरनुमा होती है। दस्तकारी Ex:  Syria's world-famous handicraft industry still employs thousands. पटुता Ex:  It is an art to a craft बादशाह Ex:  Run a mesh fabric, either by hand, using long, blunt needles or with a special craft शिल्पकर्म Ex:  Make hand, exercise a handicraft हस्तकौशल हुनर उ:   वे बहुत-से ऐसे हुनर और कारीगरी जानते थे जो अरबों में प्रचलित न थी।
Craft ki paribhasha : abhipraay saadhan ke liye hraday ki baat ko chhipaane ki vratti vah kaary jisake dvaara kisi ki jivika ka nirvaah hota ho sundar bana hua kaam nyaay ke anusaar vishay ke saath honevaala indriyon ka snyog bahut adhik badi naav jo bahut gahare jal visheshataः samudr men chalati hai kisi kaam men haath chalaane ki nipunata paani ki dhaar jo pathikon ko oopar se paani pilaane men bandh jaati hai haath se koi chij banaakar taiyaar karane ka kaam
Craft synonyms
technique art dexterity artistry expertness adeptness ability adroitness ingenuity proficiency know-how aptitude cleverness knack competence cunning trickery guile duplicity stratagem subtlety artfulness strategy shrewdness contrivance foxiness subterfuge artifice craftiness slyness ruse wiles wiliness cageyness canniness disingenuity handicraft profession calling career work trade pursuit vocation employment occupation mã©tier aircraft spacecraft plane barge vessel ship airplane boat blimp shipping bottom watercraft zeppelin air ship
Craft antonyms
clumsiness inability incapacity ineptitude ignorance inadequacy incompetence lack honesty avocation entertainment recreation ineptness stupidity want openness frankness sincerity artlessness hobby fun pastime surrender amusement
Usage of Craft in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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