Cram meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cram
As noun : रटना
As verb :
अत्यधिक खाना Ex:  Dont cram books into the suitcase ठसाठस भरना Ex:  Although all the hotels in town were full of travelers, I'm My friend managed to cram ठूंसना या मुँहामुँह भरना Ex:  It is great difficulty had to cram into his head that he had to ठूंसना Ex:  It's so stupid, that we can not cram anything in her head, in the spirit पेटू की तरह खाना Ex:  , If cram in so far, is said of someone who takes with greed and excess, food, fun, etc मुंहामुंह भरना याद कर लेना या घोटना या रटना याद कर लेना
Cram ki paribhasha : rangarejon ka lakadi ka vah kunda jo jamin men kuchh gad rahata hai aur jis par rakhakar range kapade ghote jaate hain javaani yaad karane ke liye baar baar uchchaaran karana
Cram synonyms
load wedge shove crowd ram stuff squeeze pack force choke thrust guzzle overeat compact slop crush charge jam satiate slosh squash devour heap ingurgitate gorge drive wolf gobble jam-pack overcrowd overfill chock tamp pack in pack it in pack like sardines stive pack 'em in read review revise hit the books burn midnight oil heavy booking megabook mug up
Cram antonyms
surrender release diet fast abstain nibble let go yield pull let out open uncompress
Usage of Cram in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb, transitive verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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