Crippled meaning in hindi
As noun : पंगा
As verb :
अंगहीन Ex:  Her child got crippled by polio attack.
This measure crippled our efforts.
The accident has crippled her for life. फक्क Ex:  During this time, several U.S. B-17 bombers attacked the crippled Ryūjō
This measure crippled our efforts.
The accident has crippled her for life. फक्क Ex:  During this time, several U.S. B-17 bombers attacked the crippled Ryūjō
Other : निपंग Ex:  I am soliciting for crippled children . विकल Ex:  The Wars of Religion crippled France in the late sixteenth century विकलेंद्रिय Ex:  The French Revolution all but crippled the French Navy
ExamplesCrippled synonyms
damaged harmed deformed handicapped broken paralyzed impaired halt lame incapacitated maimed game mutilated bedridden defective out of commission mangled marred enfeebled sidelined hog-tied hamstrung gimp housebound laid up Crippled antonyms
ok working capable healthy fixed perfect unbroken walking Usage of Crippled in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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