Criticism meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Criticism
As noun : आलोचन Ex:  Her criticism was unjustifiable. उ:   इस आलोचन का प्रमुख उदाहरण इन्टरनेट विज्ञापन है।
आलोचना या समीक्षा Ex:  immunity to criticism आलोचना Ex:  No amount of criticism can detract from her achievements. उ:   इनमें उनपर हुए शोध, आलोचना एवं रचनावली शामिल हैं। उपकथन Ex:  It was the tailpiece of the novel which was subjected to criticism . छिद्रान्वेषण Ex:  Gerald bombarded his friends with criticism . टिन्नाफिस्स Ex:  He hissed out his criticism . दोषानुसंधान Ex:  Jane roared out her criticism . समीक्षा Ex:  This led to widespread criticism उ:   इन्होंने चार समीक्षा ग्रंथ भी लिखे हैं।
Other : कटुता Ex:  literary criticism विवेचना Ex:  Faced by criticism of his policies उ:   यही घटना है जिसकी इस सूरा में विवेचना की गई है। समालोचना Ex:  This includes criticism of New Age and modern Western forms of Shamanism उ:   उनकी प्रतिज्ञा थी ‘‘किसी पुस्तक की समालोचना लिखो तो सत्य-सत्य लिखो।
Criticism ki paribhasha : jainamataanusaar paap ka prakaashan kisi padaarth ke doshon aur gunon ko achchhi tarah dekhana kisi vastu ke gun dosh ka vichaar saty ka aadhaarabhoot ya maulik roop
Criticism synonyms
comment assessment review critique opinion judgment essay notice elucidation observation examination appraisal study appreciation exposition rave commentary estimate evaluation pan write-up rating sideswipe scorcher reviewal sleighride objection denunciation animadversion aspersion slap disparagement slam static cut stricture reproof cavil hit faultfinding censure carping blast flak knock opprobrium vitriol quibble roast bronx cheer put down zapper brickbats bad press call down caviling critical remarks nit-picking panning rap on knuckles slap on wrist
Criticism antonyms
heedlessness estimation guess supposition compliment praise neglect approval flattery sanction
Usage of Criticism in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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