Critics meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Critics
As noun :
आलोचक Ex:  the critics lavished superlatives on it उ:   इस फिल्म को आलोचक बर्गमैन का मास्टरपीस मानते हैं।
Critics ki paribhasha : jo kisi vastu ke gun dosh ki vivechana kare
Critics synonyms
pundit expert cartoonist authority judge reviewer commentator connoisseur sharpshooter arbiter diagnostic expositor caricaturist annotator analyzer evaluator doubter complainant quibbler caviler censor attacker complainer carper backseat driver zapper maligner muckraker defamer disparager scolder slanderer worrier nagger vilifier aristarch belittler blamer censurer disapprover disputer fretter hypercritic mud-slinger nit-picker panner reviler sidewalk superintendent
Critics antonyms
amateur complimenter praiser
Usage of Critics in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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