Crop up meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Crop up
As verb : अंकुरना Ex:  Intestinal disorders crop up with unhygienic food.
ऊबटना Ex:  "ROT26" or "2ROT13" crop up with humorous intent जम्मना पैदा होना प्रकट या उत्पन्न होना सामने आना
Crop up synonyms
materialize develop show come out turn out arrive show up present loom attend recur spring expose issue check in drop in pop up be present be within view blow in bob up break through breeze in clock in come forth come into view come to light make the scene pop in punch in punch the clock ring in roll in time in derive originate emanate stem result ensue head flow start follow commence set in take off enter sail sprout dawn germinate bud derive from be born come into existence get going get show on road get under way grow out of issue forth kick off make tick proceed from result from send off stem from spring up egress gush transpire spurt steam become apparent become known become visible come on the scene make appearance hit go on fall pass meet supervene bump shake befall down chance eventuate smoke betide stumble come about come off luck take place take effect be found become a fact become of come after come into being present itself stumble upon what goes manifest action cook obtain jell come to pass eventualize open to view peep out peer out show partially fall out flare up reveal detect see come across find encounter bring to light catch descry disclose espy learn spot track uncover unearth dig up hit upon meet with track down
Crop up antonyms
disappear conceal hide leave abandon go miss depart be real cause complete end finish stop lay lie sit consummate die shrink conclude decrease lessen trickle drop fall fade go away cease precede fail lose halt slump regress comply cooperate give in descend lower decline go along dive submerge sink pass by avoid overlook
Usage of Crop up in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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