Croup meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Croup
As noun : पुट्टा Ex:  In croup it forms a false membrane that clogs the airways
पुट्ठा{घोड़े का} Ex:  Kind of cover that attaches to the saddle of a horse and covering croup बच्चों मे कण्ठ रोग
Croup ki paribhasha : praaniyon ke sharir men pet ki doosari or ka bhaag jo manushy men pichhe ki or aur tiryak pashuon, pakshiyon, kide makode aadi ke sharir men oopar ki or padta hai
Croup synonyms
cold whoop hack hem bark ahem frog in throat tickle in throat backside duff buttocks behind seat beam tail tush can bum keister moon fanny rear rear end tail end prat breech sacrum hindquarters haunches butt end hind end derriã¨re
Croup antonyms
Usage of Croup in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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