Crowbar meaning in hindi
As noun : अधिपारक Ex: This included the crowbar and the stunstick
खनती Ex: A bell crowbar in बरमा Ex: It is also said to Various other objects whose end is made of a crowbar or similar, in form at the foot of a doe बोझ उठाने की डण्डी या लोहदंड बोझ उठाने की डण्डी लोहदंड वटाल सब्बल
Other : गदेला Ex: A crowbar
Crowbar ki paribhasha : bhaarat ko poorvi sima para, bngaal ki khaadi ke poorv or aasaam tatha chin ke dakshin ka ek pahaadi pradesh
ExamplesCrowbar synonyms
chisel extract jimmy pry remove Usage of Crowbar in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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