Crowned head meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Crowned head
As noun : अभिषिक्त राजा Ex:  From this charming single flowers crowned head
क्राउन उ:   वे नौवें ट्रिपल क्राउन चैंपियन और चौथे ग्रैंड स्लैम चैंपियन हैं। सम्राट उ:   मौर्य सम्राट चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य यहाँ आए थे।
Crowned head synonyms
monarchy sovereign sovereignty supreme ruler the throne queen emperor majesty autocrat prince empress despot princess chief royalty dictator chieftain leader head of state czar mogul kaiser baron lord dame tycoon baroness overlord lady count magnate sultan shah duke sultana rani mikado rex caliph khan caesar dynast rajah czarina maharani duchess countess maharajah pasha oligarch contessa gerent imperator
Crowned head antonyms
worst bottom servant commoner subject
Usage of Crowned head in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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