Cruelty meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cruelty
As noun : उद् ध्वंस Ex:  He would not tolerate in us children selfishness or cruelty
कठोरता Ex:  Wernher von Braun never once protested against this cruelty and brutality. उ:   इन खनिजों की कठोरता २ से ३ तक है। काठिन Ex:  Afraid of Soviet cruelty to prisoners of war कुरहम Ex:  A horrible cruelty क्रुरता Ex:  A refinement of cruelty क्रूरता Ex:  A stroke of treachery, cruelty उ:   करते हैं, पीछे क्रूरता एवं दुष्टता पर उतर आते हैं। खर्म Ex:  Extreme cruelty खष्य Ex:  Having a tiger heart, be of extreme cruelty खुँखारी Ex:  His depravity, cruelty went up fills तैत्क्ष्ण्य Ex:  It means figuratively Who denotes much evil, darkness, cruelty थैरज Ex:  Lubricity accompanied cruelty निरनुक्रोश Ex:  Nero personifies cruelty निरनुक्रोश Ex:  Nero personifies cruelty निर्दयता Ex:  This prince was a cruelty prodigy निष्ठुर व्यवहार Ex:  Who is excessive cruelty निष्ठुरता नैर्घृण्य परुखाई पिशाचत्व बेदर्दी रूढ़ता संगदिली सफ्फाकी सफ्फाकी साहसकरण स्तैमित्य हिंस्त्र
Other : उग्रता Ex:  It is sometimes prohibited by animal cruelty laws. कठोर Ex:  Prometheus meets Io, a fellow victim of Zeus' cruelty उ:   आर्यों से उनमें कठोर जाति व्यवस्था का सूत्रपात हुआ। निठुराई Ex:  Nero and Domitian cruelty vied निष्ठुर नृशंसता
Cruelty synonyms
savagery torture inhumanity malice barbarity persecution barbarism bestiality rancor despotism sadism wickedness severity spite animality fierceness venom depravity ferocity viciousness insensibility malignity coarseness truculence spitefulness coldness callousness insensitiveness unfeelingness murderousness mercilessness unkindness heartlessness bloodthirstiness ruthlessness savageness masochism brutishness fiendishness hard-heartedness
Cruelty antonyms
compassion gentility mercy thoughtfulness kindness love charity consideration feeling niceness
Usage of Cruelty in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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