Crumb meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Crumb
As noun : आकण Ex:  A crumb of bread
आचूर्ण Ex:  EYES, plural, is said of some empty, some holes found in the crumb of bread and several cheeses species कंकड़ी Ex:  From the bread crumb कण Ex:  Give me a crumb उ:   इससे ये कण आकार में बढ़ने में असमर्थ रहते हैं। कमीना आदमी Ex:  Give me a crumb किनका Ex:  It also tells of a bread crumb mixture and small pieces of meat, we give food to pets, especially dogs and cats चूरा Ex:  The crumb उ:   इसको गाढ़े दूध में नारियल का चूरा डालकर बनाया जाता है। टुकडे टुकडे कर डालना Ex:  We ate This entire block, it does not remain a crumb, crumb remained टुकड़े टुकड़े कर ड़ालना Ex:  You have given him a crumb भुरकुन रोटी का टुकडा रोटी का टुकड़ा रोटी का सारभाग लोहचूर्ण विप्लुट् विस्पंद श्र्वनर सुरभिचूर्ण
Other : टुकडा Ex:  We ate the whole pie, there is not a crumb remained , crumb remained पारचा Ex:  You have given him a crumb
Crumb ki paribhasha : dhajji vishe- shataः kapade, kaagaj aadi ki chaaval aadi ke daane ka mahin tukad jo kutane se alag ho jaata hai
Crumb synonyms
snippet jot speck dab pinch scrap drop particle dash dram atom shred grain seed mite smidgen iota sliver soupã§on ounce
Crumb antonyms
glob lot
Usage of Crumb in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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