Crumple meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Crumple
As verb : अतिवलित Ex:  Cotton fabrics crumple easily
गींजना Ex:  She likes to crumple चुन्नटदार Ex:  To cap crumple ध्वस्त होना विजृंभ समाकुचन सिकोड़ना सिलवट पड़ जाना सिलवटें डालना[पडना सिलवटें डालना या पडना
Crumple ki paribhasha : sil jisapar masaala aadi pisate hain door tak phaili hui vastu ko samet kar thode sthaan men karana kisi komal padaartha, visheshataः kapade, phool aadi ko is tarah dabaana ya malana jisamen vah kharaab ho jaay
Crumple synonyms
crush buckle scrunch screw wad collapse ruck rumple pucker crease fold crinkle fall crimp shrivel go to pieces rimple break down cave in crimple give way
Crumple antonyms
flatten straighten rise smooth
Usage of Crumple in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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