Crystallize meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Crystallize
As verb : क्रिस्टल बनना या बनाना Ex:  He tried to crystallize his thoughts
क्रिस्टल बनना Ex:  The fats in cocoa butter can crystallize in six different forms . दाने पारना Ex:  crystallize or CRYSTALLIZE v निश्चित रूप देना या धारण करना Ex:  Macler SE, is said of the crystals that crystallize cross निश्चित रूप देना Ex:  The salts crystallize निश्चित रूप धारण करना Ex:  To crystallize a salt मणिभ बनाना Ex:  Which of the two genres is likely to crystallize मणिभित करना रवादार बनाना स्फटन करना स्फटन होना स्फटरोपण करना स्फटिकरूप में घना बनाना
Crystallize synonyms
assume a pattern become definite become delineated form into crystals take form take shape
Usage of Crystallize in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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