Culmination meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Culmination
As noun : चरमबिन्दु Ex:  The mountaineers reached the culmination
चोटी पर पहुंचना Ex:  "A culmination of the Palladian traditions पराकाष्ठा Ex:  During the culmination of the Jim Crow era उ:   यह योग की पराकाष्ठा है। समापन Ex:  In terms of Astronomy, culmination of a star, its greatest height above the horizon उ:   इसका समापन अश्विन शुक्ल त्रयोदशी को ओहाड़ी पर्व से होता है।
Other : परिणति Ex:  The introduction of money marks the culmination of this process. उ:   जिसकी चरम परिणति प्रथम विश्वयुद्ध में दिखाई पड़ी। पर्यवसान Ex:  The war was the culmination of the political American Revolution फलन Ex:  The culmination of these efforts is Taylor's theorem उ:   किसी फलन के किसी चर राशि के साथ बढ़ने की दर को मापता है।
Culmination ki paribhasha : mndir ya makaan ke oopar ka nikala hua nukila sira lnbaayi ke do chhoron men se koi ek brahma ki aadhi aayu
Culmination synonyms
completion apex climax pinnacle finish acme zenith noon consummation top finale crown maximum meridian height summit limit perfection payoff apogee peak critical mass ne plus ultra punch line all the way blow off capper crowning touch
Culmination antonyms
anticlimax nadir introduction commencement beginning start bottom base opening
Usage of Culmination in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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