Culpable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Culpable
As adjective : आपराधिक Ex:  Exculpate some extent, make a person or an action as less culpable than it seems उ:   यह दल बहुत पुराने आपराधिक मामलों की जाँच करती है।
ऐबदार Ex:  Missed voluntary and culpable औगुनी कलंकी दण्डय दोषी उ:   परन्तु बाद में पता चलता है कि वह दोषी नहीं है। प्राप्तदोष सापराध
Culpable synonyms
reprehensible guilty liable amiss answerable at fault blamable blameworthy caught censurable dirty hung up off base punishable sinful smoking gun unholy wrong blameful impeachable caught in the act caught red-handed demeritorious found wanting in the wrong indictable out of line to blame
Culpable antonyms
immune irresponsible blameless inculpable innocent not guilty right
Usage of Culpable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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