Cultured meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cultured
As noun : आहार्य Ex:  It is often made from a wheat-flour dough that is cultured with yeast
कारवी Ex:  The coccoid form of the organism has not been cultured कित्तिम Ex:  Honey bees have been cultured by humans for thousands of years for honey किरतिम Ex:  EAC, P38B, and S-180 tumour cell lines cultured in vitro. किर्तिम Ex:  These reports are often based on studies in cultured cell media or animals. किर्तृम Ex:  Both demonstrate a high quality of cultured and urban Greek कृतम Ex:  Butter made from a fermented cream is known as cultured butter. कृत्तम Ex:  Another method for producing cultured butter कृत्यम Ex:  Using this method, the cultured कृत्रिम Ex:  A blood sample may similarly be cultured to look for infection in the blood . उ:   कृत्रिम उपग्रह इसी परत मे स्थापित किये जाते है। बनौवा Ex:  Des two genera can not be cultured स्वाभाविकेतर
As verb : अग्राम्य Ex:  He is a cultured man संपोषित संवर्धित उ:   ऐसे जीवाणु प्रयोगशालाओं में भी संवर्धित किए जा सकते हैं। संवेल्लित सुसंस्कृत उ:   सातवीं से बारहवीं सदी तक चीन विश्व का सबसे सुसंस्कृत देश बन गया। स्थिरसंस्कार
Other : शालीन संस्कारी उ:   एक रामपुर है और दूसरा इश‌‌वापुर है दोनों ही बहुत संस्कारी है। संस्कृत उ:   संस्कृत का इतिहास बहुत पुराना है।
Cultured ki paribhasha : jo kisi sabha men snmilit ho aur usake vichaaraniy vishayon par apani snmati de sakata ho bhali prakaar shuddh kiya hua baarah prakaar ke putron men se ek
Cultured synonyms
educated erudite knowledgeable literate polite sophisticated accomplished civilized genteel cultivated enlightened urbane intelligent refined tolerant polished versed informed traveled lettered understanding advanced aesthetic appreciative au courant chivalrous courteous elegant gallant high-class highbrow intellectual liberal literary mannerly savant scholarly sensitive tasteful up-to-date well-informed blue-stocking distingue
Cultured antonyms
ignorant stupid uncultured uneducated unsophisticated uninformed uncivilized inexperienced rude unrefined
Usage of Cultured in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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