Cumbersome meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cumbersome
As noun : भारी भरकम
मंचातोड़ महांग
As adjective : अटपट Ex:  It is a cumbersome parcel to carry उदूढ Ex:  Although initially cumbersome and with a low success rate कपटकर Ex:  This system of 127 separate councils may seem overly cumbersome गरुअ गरुअर गरुवा गरूपु गरेरुआ जटिल उ:   उच्च प्रबंध का कार्य जटिल एवं तनावपूर्ण होता है। जब्बर दुखदायक बोझीला भाररुप भारी उ:   यहाँ भारी संख्या में पर्यटक आते हैं। मुश्किल मोहकम
Other : गरु Ex:  This made Spain and its possessions cumbersome to rule.
Cumbersome ki paribhasha : jisaka svabhaav gnbhir ho ek parimaan jo bis paseri ka hota hai jata ke ulajhe hue baalon ki tarah jisaka sulajhana bahut kathin ho
Cumbersome synonyms
bulky heavy embarrassing unwieldy ponderous burdensome tiresome inconvenient hefty leaden massive oppressive unmanageable wearisome weighty cumbrous incommodious clunker clunking clunky galumphing unhandy
Cumbersome antonyms
fun helpful graceful small airy light easy convenient unburdensome aiding
Usage of Cumbersome in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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