Curbed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Curbed
As noun : प्रतिबंधित Ex:  Cupidity should be curbed उ:   अखबारों को प्रतिबंधित कर दिया जाता था।
Curbed synonyms
control hinder inhibit suppress tame impede contain restrain constrain hamper clog fetter subdue cook abstain check muzzle manacle leash ice shackle tie moderate scrub retard refrain bridle hobble hog-tie deny withhold bottle up hold back tie up hold down box in bring to screeching halt cool down cool off entrammel hold in keep lid on keep tight rein on rein in send up
Curbed antonyms
aid assist facilitate permit release loosen incite liberate go ahead let go advance allow encourage forward help promote free indulge foster
Usage of Curbed in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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