Current meaning in hindi
As noun : अंबुपदधिति Ex: globalization is affecting our current culture
अंबुरय Ex: news of current affairs अंबुरय Ex: news of current affairs अचिरद्युति Ex: Govt constituted a committee to study the current level अचिरप्रभा Ex: He had to swim against the current अचिररोचि Ex: The arguments drifted back to current situations in politics. अचिरांश Ex: the current was measured in amperes अणुभा Ex: Todays multimedia sources provide a clear insight on current affairs. अद्रिछिद् Ex: She opened a current in the bank अभ्रिय Ex: I have a current & credit account in the Central bank. अश्वभा Ex: we must not let our civil liberties be subverted by the current crisis आर्द्राशनि Ex: phy.A device for converting alternating current to ditect current or vice-versa. इलेक्ट्रिसिटो Ex: Swift current waft the trees उपस्रवण Ex: Get me a current magazine उपस्रवण Ex: Get me a current magazine एलेक्ट्रिक Ex: One should be well informed of the current affairs. कूलंकष Ex: The current sucked down the f loating trees . क्षणद्युति Ex: The current chairman of Selection Committee is Sandeep Patil. क्षणप्रभा Ex: RF amplifiers can be characterized as amplifying voltage or current गंगधार Ex: Based on current theory घनज्वाला Ex: Cleveland's current hockey team is the minor-league Lake Erie Monsters घनवल्लिका Ex: The city's current soccer team घनवल्ली Ex: Suppressed Ruger MK II pistols are in current use by the US Navy SEALs. चालू Ex: Juan Carlos Navarro is Panama City's current mayor. उ: यह अवस्था सन् १९१२ में पूरी होकर चालू की गई। छँछार Ex: This table is current through the Barclays Dubai Tennis Championships छंछ Ex: The state's current governor is Democrat Mike Easley. छनपरभा Ex: 1977. The current director is Philippe de Montebello छनरुचि Ex: Its current Constitution defines Brazil as a Federative Republic. छिनछवि Ex: In the territory of current day Brazil जल धारा Ex: The current governor of Kabul province is Haji Din Mohammad. जल प्रवाह Ex: The current governor of Utah is Jon Huntsman, Jr. जलबालिका Ex: The current governor of Utah is Jon M. Huntsman, Jr. ज्योतिस् Ex: The current mayor of Ottawa is Larry O'Brien झौँक Ex: From 1991 to 2006 the city's population decreased to the current 4.6 million तड़ित Ex: The current Governor is Alan Huckle दामण Ex: However, homosexuals have not been actively targeted under current law. धारा Ex: The current mayor is Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón उ: इस धारा को अगुलहास धारा भी कहते हैं। नदीरय Ex: The current education system is called LOGSE . निमेषकृत् Ex: The current President is George W. Bush पानी का प्रवाह Ex: The current President is Nambaryn Enkhbayar. पावरहौस Ex: As Iranian peoples are not confined to the borders of the current state of Iran पुरोटि Ex: The current Louisiana governor is Bobby Jindal प्रचलित Ex: The current U.S. senators are Mary Landrieu and David Vitter . उ: मुख्य रूप से यह कला भारत एवं ईरान में प्रचलित है। प्रवाह (पानी, हवा आदि का Ex: The current spelling follows the major reform of 1918 प्रवाह Ex: He wrote operas in each of the styles current in Europe: opera buffa उ: उसका प्रवाह अत्यन्त शक्तिशाली है। प्रवृत्ति Ex: The current Prime Minister of Australia उ: कुल मिलाकर यह कैथोलिक प्रवृत्ति का चित्रकार था। बजरागी Ex: Hamburg's current Generalmusikdirektorin is Simone Young बजागि, बजागी Ex: The current governor is Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger बिजली Ex: The current mayor is Dorin Chirtoacă. उ: इस तरह बिजली का धार प्रवाह स्थापित हो गया। बिजुल Ex: The Right Honorable David Thompson is the current Prime Minister of Barbados. बीजु Ex: One of them is the current bowler. मंदाक Ex: The current Governor of Arkansas is Mike Beebe, a Democrat. मंदाक Ex: The current Governor of Arkansas is Mike Beebe, a Democrat. मथी Ex: Because of the limitations of current vaccines मेघज्योति Ex: The current President is Branko Crvenkovski. मेघदीप Ex: The current Superintendent is Vice Admiral Jeffrey Fowler. मेघभूति Ex: The current Chief Minister of Norfolk Island is Andre Nobbs. मेघमूर्ति Ex: Ron Huldai is the current mayor of Tel Aviv मेघस्तनित Ex: Manufacturing, and Computation, and so the term acquired its current sense. रँहि Ex: The current Secretary of State for Wales is Paul Murphy रँहि Ex: The current Secretary of State for Wales is Paul Murphy वज्रकील Ex: The current governor is Tim Kaine. वहिया Ex: Other current political issues include security वह्निकर Ex: Jupiter was much hotter and was about twice its current diameter. वारिप्रवाह Ex: All current States Members have been elected as independents. वाहल Ex: Olajuwon married his current wife Dalia Asafi on August 8, 1996 in Houston. विज Ex: In a more current example विजाग Ex: The current Mayor of Oslo is Fabian Stang. विजु Ex: The current governor is Sir Richard Hugh Turton Gozney KCMG विज्जनु Ex: The current New Brunswick Lieutenant Governor, Herménégilde Chiasson is a poet. विज्जलत्ता Ex: The current 110th Congress first convened on January 4 विद्युत प्रवाह Ex: The current Prime Minister is Helen Clark, the leader of the Labour Party. विद्युतवाह Ex: The current Chief Justice is Dame Sian Elias. विद्युता Ex: The current governor of Indiana is Mitch Daniels विद्योतन Ex: The current president of the Parliament is Ranko Krivokapić. विष्यंद Ex: The current Pope, Benedict XVI, was born in Bavaria. शतहृदा Ex: Even at the Solar System's current location सांव्यावहारिक Ex: Roger Federer, the current World No. सांस्त्राविण Ex: The current Governor is Ed Rendell सांस्त्राविण Ex: The current Governor is Ed Rendell सिंपा Ex: The Green Party of Canada does not have current representation in Parliament सुधापूर Ex: The current Premier of South Australia is Mike Rann सूर्यपुत्री Ex: The current Governor of Florida is Republican Charlie Crist. सृदाकु Ex: Another significant current sweeps south in the eastern part of the Sea. सेझा Ex: Though the current is स्तनयित्नु Ex: The current Commissioner is Alan Huckle स्रौतोवह Ex: In the current M16A2 and M16A4 variants of the US-made M16 हृदयवृत्ति Ex: The current Speaker of the Senate is The Honourable Noël A. Kinsella.
As adjective : अग Ex: the current middle-class norm of two children per family उ: सीमा निर्धारण रेखा के बनने पर उस रेखा से अग विच्छदन कर देना चाहिये। वर्तमानकालिक Ex: 1999-2005. The current Governor General उ: वर्तमानकालिक कृदन्त भविष्यत् काल के अर्थ में भी प्रयुक्त होता है।
Other : चलता Ex: On the basis of current chinampa yields उ: बाद में उसे पता चलता है वह रमेश को चाहती है। चलन Ex: SpaceShipOne is the most famous current rocket aircraft उ: दिल्ली में स्वतंत्रता दिवस के अवसर पर भी पतंग उडा़ने का चलन है। माना हुआ Ex: This must have coincided roughly with the current ringway south of the city मौजूदा Ex: Syria's current President is Bashar al-Assad उ: नए चार्जर, मौजूदा चार्जरों से अधिक योग्य होंगे। रेल Ex: The current Governor of Arkansas is Mike Beebe, a Democrat. उ: जमनगर शहर सड़क, रेल और वायुमार्ग से जुड़ा हुआ है। लोक प्रसिद्ध Ex: The current President of South Africa is Thabo Mbeki वर्तमान Ex: The current majority parties are the same as in the Parliament of Serbia उ: वर्तमान में, यह एक विकसित और उच्च आय वाला देश है। सामयिक Ex: The current mayor of Jerusalem उ: इनका उचित एवं सामयिक उपचार न होने पर गर्भिणी की मृत्यु तक हो सकती है। हाल Ex: The current governor of Arizona is Janet Napolitano, a Democrat. उ: सबसे हाल का प्रस्फुटन १३ अगस्त, २००४ को हुआ था। हाली Ex: However, the current mayor of Phoenix, Phil Gordon, is a Democrat. उ: यह अपूर्व काव्य मौलाना हाली के 'मुसद्दस' के ढंग का है।
Current ki paribhasha : jal ki baraabar bahanevaali ya nikalanevaali chhoti dhaara vah ped ka tana ya kaath ka tukad jo kachche kooean ke muanh par isaliye laga diya jaata hai jisamen usaka oopari bhaag andar na gire nraty men ek prakaar ki cheshta jisamen haath ke ishaare se kisi ko bulaaya jaata hai ek prakaar ka git jise muharnm men taajiyon ke saamane striyaaan gaati hain hindi varanamaala men chavarg ke antargat ek vynjan varn vyaakaran men kriya ke tin kaalon men se eka, jisase soochit hota hai ki kriya abhi chali chalati hai, samaapt nahin hui hai bahut adhik chamakanevaala nyaay men ek yatn vishesh ookh ke sire par ka patala bhaag jisamen gaaanth bahut paas paas hoti hain aur jisaka ras phika hota hain
ExamplesCurrent synonyms
modern ongoing present prevailing instant general ruling now fad accepted accustomed afoot circulating customary doing extant fashionable hot in vogue popular prevalent rampant regnant rife state-of-the-art topical trendy up-to-date widespread existent present-day swinging common knowledge cutting-edge going around in circulation in progress in the mainstream in the news in use leading-edge on front burner tide flood river rush run progression jet juice drift spate course flux draught ebb and flow tidal motion Current antonyms
antiquated old-fashioned past uncommon uncontemporary Usage of Current in sentences
The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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