Curriculum vitae meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Curriculum vitae
As noun : खर्राती
चाबुकसवारी पेशा उ:   अहीरों का पारम्पिक पेशा गौपालन व कृषि है। रोजागार व्यापृति शूद्रवृत्ति शैक्षिक अभिलेख एवं कार्य अनुभव सिपाहगरी, सिपाहगिरी हिरफत
Curriculum vitae ki paribhasha : vah kaary jo manushy niyamit roop se apani jivika upaarjit karane ke liye karata ho
Curriculum vitae synonyms
career autobiography journal confession memoir memorial life story performance accomplishment work administration reign conduct case history track record studies past behavior way of life abstract digest epitome prã©cis recapitulation review rundown summary summation synopsis summing-up cv vita work history resume
Curriculum vitae antonyms
death inanimacy entertainment loss failure
Usage of Curriculum vitae in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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