Curvature meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Curvature
As noun : ऐंठमेंठ Ex:  The curvature is, in turn, caused by the energy-momentum of matter
खमीदगी Ex:  The blades have more curvature and the gas stream velocities are higher. बँकाई Ex:  The birth of a vault The beginning of its curvature बकुरता Ex:  The outer curvature of the vase is a beautiful curve बक्रिमा Ex:  The top of a curve, the point on the curve where the curvature is maximum or minimum वक्रता उ:   महा वपाजाल महा वक्रता से नीचे लटका होता है। वक्रत्व वाँकम
Other : कुटिल Ex:  If k=1, the curvature is positive and the universe has a finite volume. गोलाई Ex:  curvature of an arc घुमाव Ex:  In terms of geometry, it means Finding a square equivalent to a surface terminated by lines of any curvature झुकाव Ex:  Inequality of curvature of Medicine refracting media of the eye उ:   इसका अक्षांश पृथ्वी के अक्षीय झुकाव पर निर्भर करता है। टेढापन Ex:  It also means curvature of an arch टेढ़ापन Ex:  Kind of Architecture arcade protruding under the curvature a vault फेर Ex:  Physics Instrument used to measure the curvature of the spherical surfaces उ:   प्लेट को ३० से ४० मिनिट तक रख दे और फेर उसे ओवन में सुखाए। बाँक Ex:  This piece of wood has more curvature under bending, etc भंगिमा Ex:  Who is having curvature
Curvature ki paribhasha : kisi or latakane, pravratt hone ya jhukane ki kriya
Usage of Curvature in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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