Cut price meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cut price
As noun : अनर्ध
कमकीमत समर्घ सस्ता उ:   ये एक काफी सस्ता एवं सर्व सुलभ इलाज़ है। सहँगा सुहंग सौँधा सौघा
As adjective : घटी कीमत
Cut price ki paribhasha : jisaka mooly saadhaaran se kuchh kam ho
Cut price synonyms
reasonable low-priced competitive economical bargain budget buy dime a dozen irregular moderate nominal reduced sale standard steal utility at a bargain bargain-basement bargain-counter bought for a song cheapo cost next to nothing cut-price cut-rate depreciated easy on the pocketbook half-priced low tariff lowered marked down on sale popularly priced real buy slashed uncostly undear worth the money inexpensive
Cut price antonyms
expensive excellent valuable worthy unreasonable costly dear noble precious priceless superior sophisticated upper high-priced
Usage of Cut price in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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