Daily meaning in hindi
As noun : अंतरा Ex: reduce your daily fat intake
अल्ह Ex: she takes raisins daily in the morning. अहन Ex: Sima uses shampoo daily thats why her hair shines brightly. उ: वह अहन की सफलता से ईर्ष्या रखते हैं और अपनी पतन देखना चाहते हैं। आह्वा Ex: I take hotchpotch daily in dinner. आह्विक Ex: Take three pills daily after meals. उष Ex: 'Singh' is very good daily horoscope. उस्र Ex: He stops by daily ऐयाम Ex: A daily record
A daily newspaper कुटहारिका Ex: Flax is woven into various items of daily use like carpets, bags etc. खादिमा Ex: The play was reviewed in the daily mail. घस्र् Ex: they kept in daily contact टाँहुली Ex: We go to shop daily and buy milk . दवाम Ex: It should be cleaned daily and changed often दाइम Ex: The daily maximum averages 22 °C in July and August दिन दिन Ex: Both of the city's major daily newspapers दिन Ex: La Stampa, and to the sports daily Tuttosport. उ: अगले दिन वो दिल्ली के एक अनाथालय में एकत्र हुए । दिनपति Ex: Sydney has two main daily newspapers. दिनरैन Ex: The shrimps are fed two to five times daily दिना Ex: Yahrzeits , and daily Psalm reading, among many ceremonial uses. दिनोदिन Ex: The daily strips for 1921 to 1923 were reprinted by Pacific Comics Club. दीहड़ा, दिहाड़ा Ex: Comics Revue has also published all of the daily strips from September 8 दैनिक समाचार पत्र Ex: The Times-Dispatch has a daily दैनिक समाचारपट्र Ex: In 2005-2006, the average daily oil production declined to 83,000 bbls/d दैनिक समाचारप्ट्र Ex: Denver Thruway connections are made daily with the Amtrak Southwest Chief. दैनिक Ex: New Brunswick has four daily newspapers उ: वे अपने दैनिक कार्य ठीक से नहीं कर पाते। नित्ति, नित्तु Ex: Congressional leaders merely administrate the daily business of Congress itself निशिवासर Ex: English is also an official language but is not spoken in daily use. नौकरानी Ex: He or she is responsible for overseeing the daily sessions of the body. पंचयाम Ex: Average daily high temperatures are 18 °C in July and 6 °C in January. परप्रेष्या Ex: The recommended maximum daily dose, for adults, is 4 grams. प्रतिदिन Ex: Berlin has Germany's largest number of daily newspapers उ: मैं तो प्रतिदिन माता सीता के चरण स्पर्श करता था। प्रतिदिवा Ex: Bristol has a daily morning newspaper प्रतिवार Ex: Over 90% of daily travels are on public transport प्रतिवासरिक Ex: All province cities are connected to Bangkok by daily and nightly बासुरि Ex: There are daily flight services between West and East Malaysia रविध्वज Ex: It may be general or special interest, most often published daily or weekly. रोज Ex: The Spanish national airline, Iberia, operates a daily service to Madrid. उ: यहाँ रोज राजा ब्राह्मण को अपमानित करवाता है। रोजमर्रा Ex: Besides the three main daily newspapers उ: इसस रोजमर्रा के आम काम भी नहीं कर पाते। रोज़ाना Ex: The Boston Globe and the Boston Herald are Boston's two major daily newspapers. उ: बॅयर ने रोज़ाना के शोरनर की भूमिका अदा की। वाश्र Ex: It publishes daily Monroe County वास्र Ex: Nassau, and International Editions along with the daily Miami-Dade edition. शश्वत् Ex: This airport has daily flights to various cities across the United States सनात् Ex: Kerala’s maximum daily temperature averages 36.7 °C सर्जूर Ex: Many of these were eaten daily by peasants and workers ससिरिपु Ex: The largest daily newspapers in Bucharest include Evenimentul Zilei स्वसर Ex: It has daily features हमेशा Ex: Sheffield's daily newspaper is the Sheffield Star उ: इससे हमेशा पिता और पुत्र के बीच तनाव होता है। हमेस, हमेसा Ex: 39,263 coaches and 7,739 locomotives and ran a total of 14,444 trains daily
A daily newspaper कुटहारिका Ex: Flax is woven into various items of daily use like carpets, bags etc. खादिमा Ex: The play was reviewed in the daily mail. घस्र् Ex: they kept in daily contact टाँहुली Ex: We go to shop daily and buy milk . दवाम Ex: It should be cleaned daily and changed often दाइम Ex: The daily maximum averages 22 °C in July and August दिन दिन Ex: Both of the city's major daily newspapers दिन Ex: La Stampa, and to the sports daily Tuttosport. उ: अगले दिन वो दिल्ली के एक अनाथालय में एकत्र हुए । दिनपति Ex: Sydney has two main daily newspapers. दिनरैन Ex: The shrimps are fed two to five times daily दिना Ex: Yahrzeits , and daily Psalm reading, among many ceremonial uses. दिनोदिन Ex: The daily strips for 1921 to 1923 were reprinted by Pacific Comics Club. दीहड़ा, दिहाड़ा Ex: Comics Revue has also published all of the daily strips from September 8 दैनिक समाचार पत्र Ex: The Times-Dispatch has a daily दैनिक समाचारपट्र Ex: In 2005-2006, the average daily oil production declined to 83,000 bbls/d दैनिक समाचारप्ट्र Ex: Denver Thruway connections are made daily with the Amtrak Southwest Chief. दैनिक Ex: New Brunswick has four daily newspapers उ: वे अपने दैनिक कार्य ठीक से नहीं कर पाते। नित्ति, नित्तु Ex: Congressional leaders merely administrate the daily business of Congress itself निशिवासर Ex: English is also an official language but is not spoken in daily use. नौकरानी Ex: He or she is responsible for overseeing the daily sessions of the body. पंचयाम Ex: Average daily high temperatures are 18 °C in July and 6 °C in January. परप्रेष्या Ex: The recommended maximum daily dose, for adults, is 4 grams. प्रतिदिन Ex: Berlin has Germany's largest number of daily newspapers उ: मैं तो प्रतिदिन माता सीता के चरण स्पर्श करता था। प्रतिदिवा Ex: Bristol has a daily morning newspaper प्रतिवार Ex: Over 90% of daily travels are on public transport प्रतिवासरिक Ex: All province cities are connected to Bangkok by daily and nightly बासुरि Ex: There are daily flight services between West and East Malaysia रविध्वज Ex: It may be general or special interest, most often published daily or weekly. रोज Ex: The Spanish national airline, Iberia, operates a daily service to Madrid. उ: यहाँ रोज राजा ब्राह्मण को अपमानित करवाता है। रोजमर्रा Ex: Besides the three main daily newspapers उ: इसस रोजमर्रा के आम काम भी नहीं कर पाते। रोज़ाना Ex: The Boston Globe and the Boston Herald are Boston's two major daily newspapers. उ: बॅयर ने रोज़ाना के शोरनर की भूमिका अदा की। वाश्र Ex: It publishes daily Monroe County वास्र Ex: Nassau, and International Editions along with the daily Miami-Dade edition. शश्वत् Ex: This airport has daily flights to various cities across the United States सनात् Ex: Kerala’s maximum daily temperature averages 36.7 °C सर्जूर Ex: Many of these were eaten daily by peasants and workers ससिरिपु Ex: The largest daily newspapers in Bucharest include Evenimentul Zilei स्वसर Ex: It has daily features हमेशा Ex: Sheffield's daily newspaper is the Sheffield Star उ: इससे हमेशा पिता और पुत्र के बीच तनाव होता है। हमेस, हमेसा Ex: 39,263 coaches and 7,739 locomotives and ran a total of 14,444 trains daily
As adjective : दैनिक (पत्र Ex: Opera and classical music performances are held in Tel Aviv on a daily basis. दैनिक प्रतिदिन Ex: 9% Russians and 1% Poles, with a further 200,000 commuting daily from suburbs. दैनिक या प्रति दिन का Ex: Two important daily newspapers are published in Frankfurt. दैनिक समाचार पत्र या पत्रिका Ex: The first Welsh language daily प्रति दिन का Ex: This allowed him to estimate the number of Jews arriving daily प्रति दिन या प्रति दिवस Ex: When viewing daily rushes प्रति दिन Ex: Each major city has daily newspapers प्रति दिवस Ex: All daily newspapers in Montenegro are published in Podgorica रोज़ Ex: Computers, the Internet, and other technology radically altered daily lives. उ: हमारा रोज़ का साधारण जीवन भी हमें यही दिखलाता है। रोज़ काम करने वाला नौकर या नौकरानी Ex: Canberra has a daily newspaper
Other : नित Ex: The French-language daily is L'Acadie Nouvelle , based in Caraquet. उ: यहाँ नित नये खेल - तमाशे होते रहते हैं। नित्य Ex: The only South Australian daily newspaper is ''The Advertiser'' उ: नित्य जाप ७००० प्रतिदिन। नित्यशः Ex: Unlike with the daily prayers
Daily ki paribhasha : ghar ka kaam dhndha karanevaali stri utana samay jisamen soory kshitij ke oopar rahata hai
ExamplesDaily synonyms
regularly often periodic constantly routine everyday ordinary commonplace day after day per diem quotidian cyclic day-to-day circadian day by day diurnal from day to day once a day once daily Daily antonyms
variable abnormal unusual extraordinary infrequent nightly nocturnal irregular uncommon different rare at night Usage of Daily in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
Word of the day