Damnable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Damnable
As noun : अंतर्गडु Ex:  A damnable business
अकर्मान्वित Ex:  A thought damnable अतप Ex:  An action damnable क्षीणवृत्ति Ex:  Forward maxims damnable, damnable proposals खानानशी Ex:  In a way damnable खारच Ex:  It is a damnable temerity to judge evil intentions of others गैताल Ex:  Project damnable निरथु निरूद्यमी निरूद्योग निरूद्योगी फोकरा बेकाज बेकार उ:   परंतु तंत्रिकाकर्षण अन्य उपाय बेकार होने पर ही किया जाना चाहिए। बेफजूल बेमसरफ मिरथा रददी राशिवर्धन श्वेतकाकीय हेचपोच
As adjective : दोष्य
Damnable ki paribhasha : jise dekhakar ya sunakar ghrana paida ho nal jisamen se hokar paani jaata hai jisake paas karane ke liye koi kaam na ho
Damnable synonyms
abhorrent abominable accursed blessed culpable depraved despicable detestable execrable hateful odious offensive outrageous wicked blamed darn dang dratted
Damnable antonyms
admirable exalted favored laudatory praiseworthy cherished favorable good loveable
Usage of Damnable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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