Dare meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dare
As noun : अभ्यासादन Ex:  he could never refuse a dare
आंख दिखाना Ex:  I dare you! आहाव Ex:  How dare you call my lawyer?
I dont dare call him
गुंकार Ex:  I dare not use for toilet purposes". चिनोती Ex:  Absolutely, I would not dare चुनौती देना Ex:  And you too, my son! And so, you dare tell me चुनौती देनाना Ex:  And you too, my son! And so, you dare tell me चुनौती Ex:  Avisez- you to do this! Do not you dare to उ:   दोनों ही चुनौती बन गई थीं। चैलेंज Ex:  dare I say it, I dare say, if I may say so, say so, formula which is used to convey an idea or phrase that might seem ventured उ:   इस तरह अमेरिकी टाइटिल के लिए शो सिक्स पैक चैलेंज से बाहर हो गये। पुरूषार्थ रखना Ex:  He did not dare support my presence बाहु ठोंकना Ex:  I did not dare tell you about that, but you put me at ease talking to me the first भय दिलाना Ex:  I do not dare मुकाबला करना Ex:  I would not dare to promise me that you will do me this honor ललकार Ex:  In this respect, I dare not sure उ:   वालि ललकार सुनकर बाहर आया। वीरवाक्य Ex:  It dare not pronounce समाह्व Ex:  Poor shameful, people who are in want and dare not publicly alms सामना करना Ex:  They were convinced that they would not dare contradict the सिंहप्रणाद Ex:  This runs the danger that would dare the wait हंका Ex:  We We would not dare do that हक्काहक्क Ex:  What man would dare claim that it is self-assured? In terms of game, be sure of his shot, Taking a shot being assured of winning हिम्मत करना Ex:  Who could answer for the event? I dare not meet in हिसाब बांधना Ex:  Would you dare blame him? I dare हूतकार Ex:  Would you dare say that? He said, in terms of logic, a proposal Express and simply means that something is हूति Ex:  , at What do you enjoy talking to a madman? What you dare you, etc ह्वान Ex:  , Do not dare look up, intimidated, confused
As verb : उजवना Ex:  You wouldn't do that, would you? I dare you . छुछकारना Ex:  Disclaim this writing, if you dare ध्रष्टता करना Ex:  Few people dare to look death in the face पूँतारना Ex:  He would not dare show themselves, says of him that the fear of being mistreated, or shame, or some affront he has received, either that some bad action प्रचारान Ex:  How dare he go back! It also means someone Represent disadvantages of anything done or is about to be प्रयत्न करना Ex:  I dare not pronounce between you and him फलकारना Ex:  I dare promise बक्कारना Ex:  I dare promise you my article for this date: ललकारना Ex:  It can dare everything वकारना Ex:  It dare not look संशब्दन Ex:  It dare you appear before सन्नहन Ex:  LIBRE has, in sentences or phrases that follow, more or less neighboring meanings of these various meanings: The vote is not free in this assembly We dare say there his opinion, there vote according to his conscience समुज्जृंभण Ex:  There is nothing he can not dare to साहस करना Ex:  This is a man dare everything साहसकरण Ex:  This one, the one whose character is bold, who willingly dare हंकना Ex:  We did not dare to disturb their conference हिम्मत बांधना Ex:  With what face dare he come before you? Fig हुंकारना Ex:  Would you dare condemn on the basis of such people? On the basis of an uncertain tradition
Dare ki paribhasha : dnd dene ya anisht karane ka vichaar prakat karana yuddh ke liye uchch svar se aahvaan karana yuddh ke liye uttejana ya aahavaan
Dare synonyms
taunt cartel stump provocation insult resist oppose threaten provoke spurn bully cope front confront goad denounce face disregard brave scorn meet mock beard laugh at run the gauntlet face off knock chip off shoulder make my day muster courage outdare square off step over the line take one on throw down gauntlet call one's bluff undertake attempt presume stake hazard try adventure endanger endeavor speculate gamble go ahead be bold make bold pluck up run the risk take a chance take heart try one's hand
Dare antonyms
compliment praise hide dodge hold back refrain help approve be careful abstain ignore
Usage of Dare in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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