Dark meaning in hindi
As noun : अखज Ex:  his eyes were dark caverns
अजाय Ex:  The film is underexposed, so the image is very dark अज्ञातअ Ex:  Currently released movies of English are spiced with dark humour. अदर्शनोय Ex:  The dark recesses of a cave is scarey. अदीप्त Ex:  He is wearing a dark jerkin. अधर्मात्मा Ex:  it was forbiddingly dark in the corridor अनखौहा० Ex:  It is pitch dark out side, we cant be able to search for the thief. अनबना Ex:  His eyes were like dark caverns. अनैतिकता Ex:  Andradite is a rare Garnet, and its gem varieties are highly regarded. It is a Silicate of calcium and iron. The most valuable gem form of Garnet is the rare Demantoid variety of Andradite. Andradite was named after the Portuguese mineralogist DAndrade. Types :* Demantoid - emerald-green to green variety of Andradite.* Topazolite - yellow variety of Andradite.* Melanite - lustrous, opaque black or dark red variety of Andradite. अरिष्ट Ex:  The battle lasted until dark अविज्ञ Ex:  It is thought that complex organic compounds are the dark surface material. असत् Ex:  Ordona, and Faron to seal away their dark magic within the Fused Shadows. इशा Ex:  The far side should not be confused with the dark side उल्लाघ Ex:  Mercury is never above the horizon of a more-or-less fully dark night sky. ऊर्म्या Ex:  Soybeans having a dark colored seed coat करौंछा Ex:  Cocoa or dark chocolate benefits the circulatory system. कारौ Ex:  Aquinas had a dark complexion काला रंगा Ex:  Dave Itzkoff of The New York Times wrote that the dark legacy of Watchmen काला Ex:  The dark albedo features seen with Keck are उ: मोर, काला तीतर विविधता के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। कुढ़ंग Ex:  His hair was thick, short, and dark brown कृच्छ Ex:  A wedge can be so wide that it appears to be a block of dark clouds खवारी Ex:  The properties of dark energy and dark matter are largely unknown. खुटवा Ex:  Preliminary studies suggest that this dark energy corresponds to a positive Λ गंदमगंदा Ex:  Cyberpunk depicts the world as a dark गर्ह्माणक Ex:  Some versions of the table show a dark stair-step line along the metalloids. गहंणीय Ex:  Link's hair is usually blond, dark blond, light brown, brown, or pink . गहरा रंग Ex:  The eyes are dark brown. गुप्त जगह Ex:  The largest dark feature seen from Earth is Syrtis Major. गूढ Ex:  Many of his works are generally considered part of the dark romanticism genre उ: इस के अनुसार इस परम्परा का गूढ रहस्य चेतना अथवा आत्मज्ञान विज्ञान है। चंद्रकांता Ex:  The dark view of human nature fit well with the Puritan view of the world चक्रभेदिनी Ex:  Various creators worked to return the character to his dark roots जबुर Ex:  Uranus is visible to the naked eye in dark जबून Ex:  This may be the cause of the uniformly dark colouration of the moons and rings. ज्ञानशून्यता Ex:  The dark spots common on Neptune had never been observed on Uranus before 2006 तन्युत Ex:  The three possible types of matter are known as cold dark matter ताराभूषा Ex:  Below the eye is a distinctive crescent-shaped area of dark feathers. धीँग Ex:  A dark dungeons नक्तमुखा Ex:  A dark future निराशाजनक Ex:  A dark hypochondria निशीथिनी Ex:  A dark night निषद्वरा, निषद्वरी Ex:  A dark spirit पश्च Ex:  A light brown, dark उ: इसके पश्च प्रभाव सामान्य रूप से हल्के व बहुत कम समय के लिए होते हैं। फासिर्द Ex:  Black Virgin is said of some ancient statues of the Virgin, usually carved in wood and are very dark बदराह Ex:  By affixing, chocolate color, color similar to that of chocolate, that is to say dark brown-red बहुत बुरा Ex:  By analogy, a dark complexion बुरा Ex:  Cluster of clouds, the upper part is rounded and has white reflections, while the lower part is dark उ: लेकिन इसका कृषकों पर बुरा प्रभाव पड़ा। मलन Ex:  comprehensive Cloud, thick, dark मलीमस Ex:  Dark color, brown, dark मुश्की Ex:  dark colors मेचक Ex:  Despite its merits, it remained in the dark यामीरा Ex:  Grey sky, dark रहस्यमयआ Ex:  Groping in the dark रात का Ex:  He also said, speaking a Low birth, a very dark conditions रात Ex:  He has desired point rise, it remained in the dark उ: रात के समय इसकी खूबसूरती देखते ही बनती है। रातड़ी, रातरी ‡ Ex:  In a dark forest रात्र Ex:  In terms of Poetry, Dark kingdoms, the dark shores, dark edges, the underworld, according the belief of the ancient pagan रात्रिका Ex:  It is also an adjective and means of both genders Who is a dark purple रिप्र Ex:  It is dark night वायुरोषा Ex:  It still is Living in inaction, or in a dark location or embarrassed वाशुरा Ex:  It's a dark spirit that confuses all the subjects he treats वासतेयी Ex:  It's dark as pitch, said of a Place very obscure वास्तवोषा Ex:  It's dark in there, This place is not well lit, we did not see clearly शबरंग Ex:  Kind show who is to appear, in a dark place, images that seem to be ghosts शबाना Ex:  Look for something in the dark शबीना Ex:  Making a small plant and discolored by making it grow in a dark place and by depriving it of air शिचि Ex:  Mole, Little sign of more or less dark color that brings out the whiteness of the skin शुभेतर Ex:  On the made very dark in this case श्याम Ex:  Poetically, black shore, the dark shore, the shore of the Dead, The shores of the rivers of उ: श्याम चरण गुप्ता अग्रहरि वैश्य समुदाय से आते हैं। श्रीणा Ex:  Poetically, The dark edges, edges of Cocytus, pagan hell श्रृधू Ex:  PURPLE is also male name and means a dark red color that takes on the purple संकसुक Ex:  Rouge brown, dark संध्या Ex:  The background of the picture is too bright, too dark उ: अकाल की संध्या वन्ध्या स्त्री जैसी होती है। संध्याबंधू Ex:  The dark of night, time, wood, a cellar, a room सधूम्र Ex:  The woman has dark skin सांवला Ex:  Tree of dark green conifers of the family, amounting law and tip and we often planted in cemeteries सियापोश Ex:  VELOUTÉ in terms of jewelery, says the stones which are a rich color, dark सुरर्णी Ex:  Who is to a dark color, between red and black दुःखद धुँधला साँवला
As adjective : अंतद् धनि Ex:  Dark green
Dark eyes
A dark scowl अंतधनि Ex:  he was in the dark concerning their intentions अंतर्दधान Ex:  Last night was totally dark for clouds obstructed the starlight. अटपट Ex:  Keep it dark अदेख Ex:  He was groping in the dark for his torch. अनखुला Ex:  There was masses of dark clouds in the sky. अनरहस Ex:  Shatpad Bumble Bee is an flying bee of dark black colour having yellow spot on its back and it sucks flowers. अपिच्छिल Ex:  The lights went out and left us in the dark . अमीक Ex:  My dark hair was inherited from my father . अमूझा Ex:  She was whistling in the dark . असित Ex:  These less-used series are shown with a dark gray background in the chart. उ: एक पौराणिक गाथा के अनुसार यह असित मुनि का निवास था। अस्पष्ट Ex:  After dark a small unit under Major Titov broke through to Igelström आंतर Ex:  The comet was visible well before the sky got fully dark each night उद्गगाढ Ex:  It is crucial that the storage area is dark ऊँडा Ex:  The shrimp become weak and disoriented and may have dark wounds on the cuticle. औंड़ा Ex:  The most direct evidence of dark matter was provided by Vera Rubin. खफी Ex:  23% cold dark matter and 4% ordinary matter. गहरा Ex:  Because organisms with albinism have skin that lacks the dark pigment melanin उ: यह विश्व का सबसे गहरा नदी गार्ज है। गहिर Ex:  Juveniles have dark grey, almost black, irises. गहीरो, गहीरौ Ex:  Tassadar channels dark templar energies into the hull of his ship गुझी Ex:  This was based on observations of periodic variations in light and dark patches गुप्त Ex:  Turquoise may also be peppered with flecks of pyrite or interspersed with dark उ: गुप्त रूप में उससे ठीक विपरीत आचरण किया जाता है। गुहय Ex:  The underside begins dark and then lightens, eventually to white in adults. गूता Ex:  Welding helmets with dark face plates are worn to prevent this exposure गूप Ex:  Cosmic inflation, dark matter, and fundamental theories of physics. गैबाना Ex:  A dark matter halo appears to dominate the mass गोपि Ex:  Workers had been instructed to work in the dark with the power rails live गोमगा Ex:  The spokes appear dark in backscattered light चोरगढ़ा Ex:  Monochromats may have a minor advantage in dark vision छायावेष्टित Ex:  The rocks themselves are relatively dark and consist of rhyolite दूरारूढ Ex:  A dark complexion धुमैली Ex:  A dark face निभृत Ex:  A dark genius निहाँ Ex:  A dark time पिनहाँ Ex:  Black pearls, colored beads dark मदफून Ex:  color, dark color, color, color is less bright, darker than the other मोरिका Ex:  For a spirit of grief takes all dark colors म्लिष्ट Ex:  green foliage, dense, thick, dark रुपोश Ex:  It is often in his dark moods लोकपरोक्ष Ex:  It said, in terms Natural History of Animals that watch at night and plant whose flowers open only in the dark विंनय Ex:  It's dark, dark time is विजल्पित Ex:  It's dark, dark time is व्यायत Ex:  javelées Oats, Those with grain went dark and heavy with rain that wet them while they were in javelle संछन्न Ex:  Sinking in a dark reverie संदिग्घ Ex:  Speaking of colors, it means little dark सन्निभृत Ex:  This said, in some prisons, in some very dark dungeons सीक्रेट Ex:  We pursued the thief, but he threw himself into a dark alley and disappeared अंधेरा उ: कुछ देर के लिए अंधेरा जरूर छा गया।
Dark eyes
A dark scowl अंतधनि Ex:  he was in the dark concerning their intentions अंतर्दधान Ex:  Last night was totally dark for clouds obstructed the starlight. अटपट Ex:  Keep it dark अदेख Ex:  He was groping in the dark for his torch. अनखुला Ex:  There was masses of dark clouds in the sky. अनरहस Ex:  Shatpad Bumble Bee is an flying bee of dark black colour having yellow spot on its back and it sucks flowers. अपिच्छिल Ex:  The lights went out and left us in the dark . अमीक Ex:  My dark hair was inherited from my father . अमूझा Ex:  She was whistling in the dark . असित Ex:  These less-used series are shown with a dark gray background in the chart. उ: एक पौराणिक गाथा के अनुसार यह असित मुनि का निवास था। अस्पष्ट Ex:  After dark a small unit under Major Titov broke through to Igelström आंतर Ex:  The comet was visible well before the sky got fully dark each night उद्गगाढ Ex:  It is crucial that the storage area is dark ऊँडा Ex:  The shrimp become weak and disoriented and may have dark wounds on the cuticle. औंड़ा Ex:  The most direct evidence of dark matter was provided by Vera Rubin. खफी Ex:  23% cold dark matter and 4% ordinary matter. गहरा Ex:  Because organisms with albinism have skin that lacks the dark pigment melanin उ: यह विश्व का सबसे गहरा नदी गार्ज है। गहिर Ex:  Juveniles have dark grey, almost black, irises. गहीरो, गहीरौ Ex:  Tassadar channels dark templar energies into the hull of his ship गुझी Ex:  This was based on observations of periodic variations in light and dark patches गुप्त Ex:  Turquoise may also be peppered with flecks of pyrite or interspersed with dark उ: गुप्त रूप में उससे ठीक विपरीत आचरण किया जाता है। गुहय Ex:  The underside begins dark and then lightens, eventually to white in adults. गूता Ex:  Welding helmets with dark face plates are worn to prevent this exposure गूप Ex:  Cosmic inflation, dark matter, and fundamental theories of physics. गैबाना Ex:  A dark matter halo appears to dominate the mass गोपि Ex:  Workers had been instructed to work in the dark with the power rails live गोमगा Ex:  The spokes appear dark in backscattered light चोरगढ़ा Ex:  Monochromats may have a minor advantage in dark vision छायावेष्टित Ex:  The rocks themselves are relatively dark and consist of rhyolite दूरारूढ Ex:  A dark complexion धुमैली Ex:  A dark face निभृत Ex:  A dark genius निहाँ Ex:  A dark time पिनहाँ Ex:  Black pearls, colored beads dark मदफून Ex:  color, dark color, color, color is less bright, darker than the other मोरिका Ex:  For a spirit of grief takes all dark colors म्लिष्ट Ex:  green foliage, dense, thick, dark रुपोश Ex:  It is often in his dark moods लोकपरोक्ष Ex:  It said, in terms Natural History of Animals that watch at night and plant whose flowers open only in the dark विंनय Ex:  It's dark, dark time is विजल्पित Ex:  It's dark, dark time is व्यायत Ex:  javelées Oats, Those with grain went dark and heavy with rain that wet them while they were in javelle संछन्न Ex:  Sinking in a dark reverie संदिग्घ Ex:  Speaking of colors, it means little dark सन्निभृत Ex:  This said, in some prisons, in some very dark dungeons सीक्रेट Ex:  We pursued the thief, but he threw himself into a dark alley and disappeared अंधेरा उ: कुछ देर के लिए अंधेरा जरूर छा गया।
Other : कृष्ण Ex:  This mass-energy appears to consist of 73% dark energy उ: कृष्ण और वेंकटेश्वर द्वापर युग में अवतरित हुए। गुप Ex:  The dark features were thought to be seas तमोमय Ex:  For years astronomers had been puzzling over the nature of dark matter तिमिरमय Ex:  I want to see the last one fall before it gets dark . स्याह Ex:  Wood of ebony, dark black, a polished and beautiful high hardness
Dark ki paribhasha : jisamen kisi prakaar ki prabha ya chamak na ho sushrut ke anusaar ek prakaar ka bahut jaharila bichchhou dhooandhalaapan shrikrashn ka ek naama, jo unake sharir ke shyaam varn hone ke kaaran pad tha ek prasiddh manovikaar jo kisi aanevaali bhishan aapatti athava honevaali bhaari haani ki aashnka se utpann hota hai aur jisake saath us aapatti athava haani se bachane ki ichchha lagi rahati hai paani jisamen jamin bahut andar jaakar mile padavi jisaka vyavahaar vaishy apane naam ke saath karate hain samay ka vah bhaag jisamen soory ka prakaash ham tak nahin pahuanchata pati ya premi aadi ka bodhak ek naam daksh prajaapati ki ek kanya ka naam
ExamplesDark synonyms
dim misty murky shadowy overcast somber cloudy dingy gloomy black drab foggy dull faint dusk dusky grimy indistinct inky lurid nebulous obscure opaque shady sooty sunless tenebrous vague blackish caliginous clouded pitch-black pitchy darkened dun cimmerian aphotic atramentous crepuscular ill-lighted lightless obfuscous pitch-dark rayless stygian unlighted unlit brunette ebony sable swarthy bistered adumbral dark-complexioned dark-skinned mysterious deep occult mystic abstruse anagogic arcane cabalistic complicated concealed cryptic enigmatic esoteric intricate knotty mystical puzzling recondite mystifying delphian not known sinister ominous bleak foreboding cheerless dismal doleful joyless morbid morose mournful unpropitious bad infernal foul atrocious corrupt damnable hellish horrible immoral infamous nefarious sinful vile wicked uncultivated unenlightened benighted unlettered unread forbidding sulky dour frowning glum sullen threatening glowering scowling darkness evening opacity obscurity midnight nighttime dimness nightfall murkiness twilight duskiness witching hour shadows semidarkness caliginosity dead of night concealment thickness secrecy seclusion inscrutability denseness Dark antonyms
intelligent cheerful joyful vivacious illuminated visible vivid evident manifest encouraging moral pleased bright clear distinct light good smart luminous sparkling sunny happy clean brilliant lucid radiant shining apparent plain hopeful nice honest just daybreak daylight morning cognizance sensibility brightness daytime illumination lightness enlightening intelligence sense understanding revelation Usage of Dark in sentences
The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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