Darken meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Darken
As verb : अँधेरा करना Ex:  The fish's tail may darken but aside from lesions on cartilage
अँधेरा होना Ex:  Becoming mean darken dark अँधेरा होना[करना Ex:  Becoming obscure or darken अंधकारमय करना Ex:  Clouds darken the day, Sun अंधेरा होना Ex:  darken mean Become obscure , losing its clarity उदास हो जाना Ex:  In the eclipses of the moon, we see this star darken gradually as it enters the Earth's penumbra उदासी छाना Ex:  Make brown, darken काला हो जाना Ex:  The olives begin to darken काला हो जाना[कर देना Ex:  These trees darken our home गहराना Ex:  This table grows dark, Its colors darken शोक में डालना Ex:  Would he like a blacken such a crime? Blacken or darken intransitive, meaning Become Black अँधेरा होना या करना
Darken synonyms
dim obscure blacken overshadow eclipse gray bedim murk overcast haze fog becloud deepen obfuscate tone down cloud over cloud up make dim
Darken antonyms
whiten lighten clear up brighten illuminate
Usage of Darken in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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