Dated meaning in hindi
As noun : चिरत्न Ex:  After four months of courses that he later considered to be completely outdated
जर्जारित Ex:  Japan has been dated to 18,250 ± 650 to 16,600 ± 300 years ago पुरातम Ex:  In a letter dated 30 July 1838 पुराना Ex:  The original epic has been dated to the end of the 12th century उ: इस नदी का पुराना नाम वितस्ता है। पूब Ex:  Corriere della Sera published a document dated 20 November प्रतन Ex:  During this time, he dated future American Psycho director Mary Harron. प्रवया Ex:  The independence of Switzerland is traditionally dated to August 1 1291 प्रीण Ex:  An inscription found at Tel Dan and dated c. फरसूदा Ex:  It has been dated to the late 14th century बटवायक Ex:  In the first letter dated 1 May 1857 महल्लक Ex:  In one letter dated April 10
As verb : दिनांकित Ex:  A newspaper article dated February 2
Other : तारीखी Ex:  Having been variously dated between 1850 and 1350 BC तिथित Ex:  They dated on and off for the remainder of his life and lived together briefly
Dated ki paribhasha : kisi dhaava, gaddhe ya khaali jagah ko kisi vastu se chhek dena
ExamplesDated synonyms
old-fashioned outdated archaic antiquated outmoded behind the times obsolescent obsolete old hat passã© unfashionable out of style Dated antonyms
current modern new Usage of Dated in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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