Dawn meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dawn
As noun : अंकुरना Ex:  the enemy attacked at dawn
अछरना Ex:  the attack began at dawn आरंभ या उद्भव या उदय Ex:  The hikers decamped before dawn आरंभ होना या उद्भव होना Ex:  I arose out of my slumbers at dawn . आरंभ होना Ex:  The birds start singing at the break of dawn . उच्छ्रय उच्छ्राय Ex:  Jed was done and gone before dawn . उदय Ex:  We will leave for Denver at dawn . उ:   इसके बाद ग्रीक राज्यों का उदय हुआ। उदयगिरि Ex:  The army is poised to attack at dawn . उ:   उदयगिरि से साँची पास ही है। उदयाचल Ex:  We set out from the cabin at dawn . उद्गगति Ex:  We will start for Detroit before dawn . उद्गगम Ex:  The city lights vanished away as dawn broke . उ:   यह मंदाकिनी नदी के उद्गगम स्‍थल के समीप है। उद्भव होना Ex:  Finally reaching the shore before dawn on the next day उष Ex:  At the dawn of the seventeenth century उषा या उषाकाल या प्रभात या सबेरा या तड़के Ex:  Since the dawn of the Space Age उषा―काल Ex:  The latter advances made possible the dawn of the Age of Exploration. ऊआनापु Ex:  They are generally nocturnal, albeit with peaks of activity at dawn and dusk. ऊगर Ex:  Each speck a universe awaiting creation, Big Bang just a dawn away'". ऊष Ex:  At the dawn of the 20 century ऊषा Ex:  At the dawn of the 19th century कठठना Ex:  The first dawn of day welcomes you as the sun rises". छौँक Ex:  The dawn of victory nears as this great showdown begins. तडका Ex:  Around dawn on 25 October Ozawa launched 75 aircraft to attack the Third Fleet. तडके Ex:  at the dawn of day तड़के Ex:  dawn is intransitive दिन निकलना Ex:  I will leave as soon as the day will dawn निकलना Ex:  It was barely dawn निशान्त Ex:  See Patron of dawn to Article BOSS पूर्वपर्वत Ex:  The colors of the dawn sloughed from pink to purple पूर्वशैल Ex:  The dawn of time, the most distant time and which we have no knowledge पूर्वाचल Ex:  The dawn Part of the morning when the day dawns पौ फटना Ex:  The light of day, the dawn, the light of day, from dawn पौ Ex:  The whiteness of dawn उ:   पौ फटने को हुई तो एक हृष्ट-पुष्ट मृग उसी रास्ते पर आया। प्रकट या स्पष्ट हो जाना Ex:  Wake up, get up early patron of dawn प्रभात उ:   प्रभात पिता महतारी भूवना योग सुता नामी। भिंसार ‡ विनिः सरण विभाती विहाँण विहान उ:   विहान अपने दादी द्वारा बनाए गए व्यापार को चलाता है। श्चोत, श्चोतन, श्च्योत, श्च्योतन संप्रभव सकाल समुज्जृंभण सवारं सामने आना सुबह उ:   जहां सुबह से शाम तक रौनक नजर आती है। सूनृता सूर्योदया गिरि स्पष्ट होना
As verb : अभासना Ex:  The dawn of civilization
It was the dawn of the Roman Empire
डीठनापु Ex:  The Mahdi led a dawn assault on June 7 which slaughtered the army to a man. तुमकना Ex:  At the dawn of day दिखाई देना Ex:  Getting up at dawn प्रकटना मलुकाना लौँकना सबेरा होना
Other : अरुण Ex:  we got up before dawn उ:   कोसी की मुख्यधारा अरुण है जो गोसाई धाम के उत्तर से निकलती है। अरुणता Ex:  We got up before dawn अरुनाई Ex:  Police made a dawn swoop. उषसी Ex:  Around dawn near Dörarp उषा Ex:  At dawn on April 27, Lautrec began his attack. उ:   देवियों में उषा और अदिति का स्थान अग्रगण्य है। उषाकाल Ex:  They were worked from dawn until dark without adequate food and shelter. बिहान भिनसार भोर उ:   तब तक भोर हो चुकी थी। भौर सबेरा सहर उ:   उनमे से एक बड़े हिसते दिल्ली सहर मे बसे।
Dawn ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka bad pakshi jisake par bahut sundar haate hain baanaasur ki kanya jo aniruddh ko byaahi gai thi kisi kaary ki prathamaavastha ka snpaadan jo spashta, saaph ya ghotit hone laga ho jad pradhaan sattaarthak kriya puraanaanusaar poorv disha ka ek parvat jahaaan se soory nikalata hai vaanaasur ki kanya jo anirooddh ko vyaahi gai thi
Dawn synonyms
daylight daybreak dawning morning aurora sunup cockcrow sunrise break of day bright first blush first light crack of dawn day peep early bright wee hours advent birth origin foundation head opening outset commencement onset source inception alpha emergence genesis unfolding outstart loom develop appear lighten originate initiate glimmer show itself
Dawn antonyms
sunset dusk evening eventide setting sundown ending darkness conclusion finish result completion death finale effect stop disappear decrease lessen hide terminate conclude close
Usage of Dawn in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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