De facto meaning in hindi

How to pronounce De facto
As noun : वस्तुतः Ex:  In recent years many countries have settled on one of a few de facto standards उ:   इन्द्र वस्तुतः एक पद का नाम है।
साचय Ex:  Mushko Valley and other nearby areas along the de facto border.
As adjective : भावरुप Ex:  As de facto ruler of the USSR वास्तविक Ex:  Football is the de facto national sport of Egypt. उ:   वास्तविक इंजन में गैसों का निकास होता है।
Other : कार्यतः Ex:  Brussels is considered the de facto capital of the European Union तथ्यतः Ex:  The Union of Utrecht would later become a de facto constitution
De facto synonyms
existing actual actually in effect really tangible truly genuinely in fact veritably factual from fact
Usage of De facto in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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