Deadliest meaning in hindi
As adjective : खुनी Ex: It was one of the deadliest natural disasters in history.
घस्र Ex: The deadliest earthquakes since 1900 were the Tangshan घातक Ex: The deadliest known earthquake in history occurred in 1556 in Shaanxi उ: रोग के जीवाणुओं पर इसकी घातक क्रिया होती है। घाती Ex: The 2004 tsunami is the deadliest in recorded history. प्रमापयिता Ex: On August 14 2007 the deadliest single attack of the whole war occurred. प्राणहर Ex: The 1970 Bhola cyclone is the deadliest tropical cyclone on record फाड़खाऊ ‡ Ex: The North Indian cyclone basin has historically been the deadliest basin रिष्व Ex: The Great Hurricane of 1780 is the deadliest Atlantic hurricane on record विधाती Ex: Many of the deadliest battles in history occurred during the First World War. हालिक Ex: The war remains the deadliest military conflict in American history
Deadliest ki paribhasha : phalit jyotish men vah yog jisaka phal kisi ki mratyu ho
ExamplesDeadliest synonyms
savage destructive suicidal murderous pernicious noxious dangerous poisonous mortal cruel bloody harmful toxic violent malignant virulent lethal fatal baleful baneful bloodthirsty cannibalistic deathly deleterious destroying grim homicidal injurious internecine killing pestiferous pestilent ruthless unrelenting venomous pestilential carcinogenic death-dealing mortiferous slaying ghastly ashen dead pallid wan white deathlike corpselike deadened deathful Deadliest antonyms
kind helpful healthy wholesome harmless animating energizing healthful invigorating lively calm benign nice gentle nonpoisonous life-giving Usage of Deadliest in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi.
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