Deadly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Deadly
As adjective : ज़हरीला Ex:  A deadly climate
प्राणनाशक या घातक Ex:  Deep Wound, dangerous, deadly प्राणनाशक Ex:  Grief can be a deadly poison मृतवत् मौत सा
As adverb : अंतित Ex:  Deadly poisons
The seven deadly sins
अंदधुंध Ex:  Mexico expresses condolences to Italy over deadly earthquake अगाधरुधिर Ex:  The lecture was deadly dull, and I went to sleep . अतिशयित Ex:  Her story was really deadly dull . अतिशायी Ex:  One of the deadly 1998 U.S. embassy bombings occurred in Dar es Salaam अतें Ex:  This deadly barrage forced the French out अत्यधिक Ex:  Past floods have been deadly and have resulted in enormous property damage. उ:   भारत में वे अत्यधिक विवादित हैं। अत्यन्त Ex:  It was the first recorded deadly attack in 33 years. उ:   यहाँ की जलवायु अत्यन्त शुष्क एवं कठोर है। अध्यारुढ Ex:  The revolutionists were met with deadly fire. अमोगाँ Ex:  Each of these routes had its own deadly hazards उर्वरित Ex:  Some of the most deadly mushrooms belong to the genera Inocybe उल्बण Ex:  Catastrophes cause deadly periods of great shortages. खुनी Ex:  A desert is a hostile, potentially deadly environment for unprepared humans. गरली Ex:  Poor water quality and bad sanitation are deadly घस्र Ex:  Devastated by deadly European diseases to which they had no immunity घातक Ex:  Cancer has a reputation for being a deadly disease. उ:   यह बहुत ही घातक बीमारी हैं। घाती Ex:  These attacks were often deadly for the planters and their families जानलेवा Ex:  A deadly pain उ:   लेकिन यह जानलेवा हो सकता है। परिगाढ Ex:  A plant deadly प्रमापयिता Ex:  dangerous bite, venomous, deadly प्राणहर Ex:  Swearing deadly hatred to someone फाड़खाऊ ‡ Ex:  The licentious productions are a deadly poison बंहिष्ठ Ex:  The seven deadly sins, the seven sins that are as the source of all other बलीयस् बहीय बहुत ही बहुमुख भूरी मनमानिब ‡ महत मारक उ:   ध्यान रहे बेरी-बेरी रोग मारक भी सिद्ध हो सकता है। रिष्व विधाती विषकृत विषैला उ:   फ़ल्मिनेट एक अति विषैला पदार्थ है। सातिशय सुविस्तर हालिक
Other : अभावात्मक Ex:  The most deadly tsunami between 1900 and 2004 occurred in 1908 in Messina मारू उ:   मारू ढोला को देख झूम उठती है।
Deadly ki paribhasha : jise dekhane se bhay lagata ho draavana jisake paas karane ke liye koi kaam na ho kisi ke prabhaav aadi ko nasht karanevaala phalit jyotish men vah yog jisaka phal kisi ki mratyu ho
Deadly synonyms
savage destructive suicidal murderous pernicious noxious dangerous poisonous mortal cruel bloody harmful toxic violent malignant virulent lethal fatal baleful baneful bloodthirsty cannibalistic deathly deleterious destroying grim homicidal injurious internecine killing pestiferous pestilent ruthless unrelenting venomous pestilential carcinogenic death-dealing mortiferous slaying ghastly ashen dead pallid wan white deathlike corpselike deadened deathful
Deadly antonyms
kind helpful healthy wholesome harmless animating energizing healthful invigorating lively calm benign nice gentle nonpoisonous life-giving
Usage of Deadly in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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