Dearest meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dearest
As noun : आंतरीय Ex:  God struck him in that he held dearest
चहेना Ex:  He conjured him by all he held dearest in the world, the love of country, by the memory of चितचोर Ex:  He earned the achievement his dearest wishes जीवधन Ex:  He makes his dearest delights जीवनधन Ex:  His dearest confidant जोष्य Ex:  Losing his dearest hopes दिलरूबा Ex:  Neglecting his dearest पिअरवा ‡ Ex:  This is my dearest wish पुदुगल Ex:  This is my dearest wish प्यारा Ex:  This is what I of dearest to उ:   प्यारा केरकेट्टा ने ही ‘जुझइर डाँड़’ नामक ऐतिहासिक नाटक लिखा है। प्राणकांत प्राणधन प्राणनाथ प्राणपति प्रियपात्र प्रीऊ प्सुर मनभावता मनमोहन मुन्ना लड़ता ललित, लाड़लड़ैता व्हाला सजु सबसे प्रिय स्नेहपात्र हार्दिक उ:   उसकी उन्नति के लिये मेहता जी ने हार्दिक प्रयत्न किया।
As adjective : अत्यंत प्रिय Ex:  , in the heart Hurting someone, to offend in his affections in his dearest sentiments प्रियतम उ:   प्रियतम के पाद्मों की सेवा ही उसका एकमात्र लक्ष्य होता है। लाल लालों का
Dearest ki paribhasha : morashikha naam ka vraksh hraday se nikala hua
Dearest synonyms
pet familiar darling close intimate precious respected cherished doll face endeared esteemed prized treasured valuable high steep fancy stiff costly high-priced out of sight an arm and a leg at a premium overpriced pretty penny pricey
Dearest antonyms
unfriendly hateful unimportant valueless worthless inexpensive low-priced cool common despised cheap soft moderate
Usage of Dearest in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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