Debilitate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Debilitate
As verb : दुर्बल करना
दुर्बल या कमजोर करना
Other : कमजोर करना कमजोर उ:   लगातार जंगलों में भूखे-प्यासे भटकने की वजह से वह कमजोर हो चुके थे।
Debilitate synonyms
eviscerate attenuate disable cripple exhaust harm mar devitalize injure prostrate extenuate relax hurt enfeeble spoil enervate sap blunt undermine weaken wear out unbrace unstrengthen
Debilitate antonyms
aid assist enable animate invigorate mend heal assuage soothe grow increase energize strengthen help fix cure please
Usage of Debilitate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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