Debility meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Debility
As noun : अशक्ताता Ex:  brain debility
दौर्बल्य उ:   यह तीव्र ज्वर संक्रामक होता है तथा अत्यंत दौर्बल्य छोड़ जाता है। स्राम्य
Other : कमज़ोरी Ex:  It further says for weakness, debility कमजोरी उ:   जबकि इसमें सरकार की कमजोरी साफ़ दिखाई देती हैं। कमज़ोरी
Debility synonyms
enfeeblement decrepitude feebleness disease malaise exhaustion frailty languor enervation infirmity faintness unhealthiness sickliness
Debility antonyms
health soundness healthiness capability vigor strength good health
Usage of Debility in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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