Decampment meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Decampment
As noun : उद्द्राव Ex:  An hour after the decampment
पलायन Ex:  The decampment was made with precipitation उ:   लेकिन यह पलायन का रवैया जीवन में जहर घोल देता है। प्रद्रव फ़रार होना भगाव वक्रम विनिहसृति विपलायन विप्रयाण वैमुख्य व्यपयान संदाव सृगालिका सृगाली
Decampment ki paribhasha : mahue se ped men patajhad ke baad chahaniय़ोn men laganevaala vah guchchhaa, jisamen phool nikalate hain
Decampment synonyms
flight escapement abandonment departure getaway breakout exit abscondment decamping
Decampment antonyms
coming arrival entrance
Usage of Decampment in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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