Decay meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Decay
As noun : अंगभग Ex:  the corpse was in an advanced state of decay
अंतभवि Ex:  Uncared for movements lapse into decay as time passes. अक्षयता Ex:  Tartar builds up plaque and decay the teeth. अधहपतन Ex:  The corpse was in an advanced state of decay अधहपात Ex:  Dental decay troubles people a lot अप्पय Ex:  in truth, moral decay hastened the decline of the Roman Empire अभ्यवस्कंद Ex:  the novel spun a miasma of death and decay अवसाद Ex:  From being merely one symptom of the artistic decay of Britain उ:   इस क्रिया में भी अवसाद का स्तरभाव बना रहता है। आस्कंद Ex:  Thus, its mass can be directly measured from the resulting decay products. कालकर्मा Ex:  Such periods were followed by periods of technological decay क्षय Ex:  After destruction of enamel from decay or injury उ:   ऐसा रेडियोधर्मिता क्षय के कारण होता है। क्षीण हो जाना Ex:  The most important bacterium involved with tooth decay is Streptococcus mutans क्षैष्य Ex:  The extent to which tooth decay is likely खपति Ex:  Nonetheless, enamel can sometimes be removed before there is any decay present. खपति Ex:  Nonetheless, enamel can sometimes be removed before there is any decay present. खय Ex:  Prosperity ripened the principle of decay चषति Ex:  The neutron experiences the weak interaction through beta decay into a proton चषति Ex:  The neutron experiences the weak interaction through beta decay into a proton छकार Ex:  A salt that falls in decay ज्यानि Ex:  of Chemistry Who falls or may fall into decay तलपट Ex:  Physical property of bodies that decay spontaneously, like radium उ:   खाताबही के योग को जांचे और तलपट में उनका अंकण देखें। नाश होना Ex:  Put in poor condition, or by long use, either by decay or by carelessness नाश Ex:  The decay of his health उ:   यह बड़े-बड़े पापों का नाश करने वाली है। निपैद Ex:  The decay of the body पणास Ex:  The diseases have reduced the time before a real state of decay पतन Ex:  This building is falling apart, is in such a state of dilapidation, decay he falls from time to time any part उ:   इस क्षेत्र में बौद्ध धर्म पतन पर था। पामालो Ex:  This chapel, the tree falls into decay पायमाली Ex:  Who is in the decay प्रकोथ Ex:  Who result of decay or attested which belongs to periods of decadence प्रच्चय Ex:  Wood felled by wind or who fell into decay in the forest प्रतिशम Ex:  , Recovering from a state of depression, decay etc प्रतिसंक्रम Ex:  , the decay of its business प्रपतन Ex:  , The decay of its business प्रभंश Ex:  Lower fungi living in forming branched vegetation on the surface of organic matter they ferment, decay प्रमय प्रमापण प्रहाणि प्रह्लास भेदिका भ्रंश, भ्रंस भ्रंशन, भ्रंसन मर्द्दन मुसमुंद रादजक्ष्मा विकार उ:   विषय विकार मिटावो पाप हरो देवा। विकृती विघटन होना विधंस विपादन विप्रणाश विभंज विस्त्रंस विस्त्रंस शरीरपात संछिदा संप्रमोष संवार सड़न उ:   यह दांतों के इनैमल की भी रक्षा करता है और दाँतों को सड़न से बचाता है। सड़ना उ:   और ये सभी प्रक्रिया पूरी होने के बाद अंत में शरीर सड़ना शुरू होता है। सड़ाना समुच्छित्ति स्खल स्रस सड़ना या बिगड़ना या घटना या मुरझाना या नाश होना हति हति
Other : उतार Ex:  Its most familiar effect is beta decay and the associated radioactivity. उ:   संबंधों में उतार चढ़ाव हमेशा लगा रहा। क्षय होना Ex:  All three have half-life decay periods of more than a billion years. खराब करना Ex:  Faced with a country in decay ख़राब करना Ex:  They decay quickly if not dried or preserved. ख़राब होना Ex:  Old arches sometimes need reinforcement due to decay of the keystones छीज Ex:  In terms of medicine, it means decay or disappearance of fever छीजन Ex:  It specifically means, in terms of surgery, accidental opening close to the roof of the mouth, the bones of the skull or plug a hole that occurred in tooth decay on Natural
Decay ki paribhasha : kaanoon men kaaran ki sadishata jisaki vajah se mukadama gir jaay phool ya patti aadi ka ku्mhalaana koi baaj jo ho jaay kisi vastu ko sadne men pravrat karana niti shaastr ke anusaar raaja ke RRishi, basti, durga, setu, hastibndhana, khaana, karagrahan aur sena ke samooh ashtavarg ka hraas ya naash kisi vastu ka roopa, rng aadi badal jaana udta hua ya udnevaala kisi padaarth men aisa vikaar hona jisase usake snyojak tatv ya ang bilakul alag alag ho jaayan, usamen se durgndh aane lage aur vah kaam ke yogy na rah jaay
Decay synonyms
disrepair corrosion disintegration impairment decomposition deterioration blight extinction rot degeneration ruination dilapidation downfall dissolution adulteration decrease putrescence mortification fading decadence decline senescence consumption putrefaction putridness crumbling withering decrepitude atrophy spoilage dying rotting failing depreciation rust degeneracy putridity perishing wasting spoilation caries gangrene wasting away shrivel fade pollute wane dwindle disintegrate lessen corrode discolor degenerate mortify dissolve decompose putrefy mildew sicken curdle slump defile turn molder sink sap suppurate depreciate weaken break up get worse dry-rot be impaired become contaminated go bad go to seed go to the dogs hit rock bottom hit the skids pejorate reach depths waste away wear away
Decay antonyms
improvement building increase morality flourish development growth ascent rise construction germination ripening strength strengthening enlarge combine unite put together ascend prosper germinate expand brighten color raise extend help make well
Usage of Decay in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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