Deceitfulness meaning in hindi
As noun : अकूर्च
अमीली उड़ेच कपट कूटकर्म गृहजालिका चलचूक छंदबंद छलहाई तोत धूर्तरचना शाठ्च हिपोक्रिसी
Other : दगा उ: साथियों में कुछ तो काम आये कुछ दगा कर गये।
Deceitfulness ki paribhasha : abhipraay saadhan ke liye hraday ki baat ko chhipaane ki vratti
ExamplesDeceitfulness synonyms
double-dealing wile duplicity knavery Deceitfulness antonyms
honesty forthrightness Usage of Deceitfulness in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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