Deceive meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Deceive
As noun : विश्वासघात करना Ex:  , deceive someone, Divert cleverly someone's plan, he may have views, giving him reason to believe one thing for another
As verb :
अभिसंधा Ex:  To deceive the other team उड़नघाई Ex:  An illegal attempt by the pitcher to deceive a runner उड़ानघाई Ex:  About untrue, taking with intent to deceive काकरुक Ex:  Altering any substance mixed with an evil intent to deceive कूटकर्म Ex:  Be skilled to deceive कृहक Ex:  coarse Ruse who can deceive as ignorant or fools कौट Ex:  Giving in, Letting deceive घापट Ex:  He thought I wanted to deceive the चलचूक Ex:  His finesses deceive nobody छंदबंद Ex:  His forebodings almost never deceive the छांटा Ex:  IS WRONG means Committing a mistake, deceive झाँई, झाँई Ex:  It is said above and figuratively a thing that is used to attract someone and artfully deceive झांसा देना Ex:  It means even Saying things in to deceive तवक Ex:  It means figuratively and familiarly object intended to deceive by false दगलफसल Ex:  It says, figuratively and familiarly, to every man who seeks to deceive by false appearances धूर्तमता Ex:  It still means Entertain someone to deceive and prevent it from act धोँक Ex:  It still says figuratively of Fireworks, specious allegations by which we try to deceive in a story, in a case, etc धोक Ex:  It was one of the actors in the scene that played to deceive the person धोख़ा देना Ex:  Our senses often deceive us धोखा देना Ex:  Piper dice, dice Prepare to deceive the game धोखा Ex:  Provision bad bringing to express feelings, intentions other than those that actually, to deceive others, as if it was a double character उ:   इसका उपयोग मुख्यतः शत्रु को धोखा देने के लिये किया जाता है। परिवंश Ex:  The people around this Prince deceive the प्रलंभ Ex:  They are intelligence to surprise you, to deceive you प्रव‌ंचना करना Ex:  Thinner than it would deceive me प्रव‌ंचित करना Ex:  This one that was mistaken, that is easy to deceive भरभ Ex:  This which serves to disguise, to deceive मुगालता Ex:  Who is of two kinds heady, which tends to deceive with a false appearance मोहना Ex:  , Crocodile Tears, Tears hypocrites by which we seek to move someone to deceive the व‌ंचना करना Ex:  , Go stealthily, Walking so softly that we is not heard, intending to surprise or deceive someone शिकाल Ex:  , He has around him people who deceive the संश्चत् Ex:  , Songe, lying, Dreams have no meaning They deceive us
Other : निराश करना Ex:  rightly or wrongly, he is convinced that wanted to deceive the
Deceive ki paribhasha : mithya vyavahaar jisase doosare ke man men mithya pratiti utpann ho
Deceive synonyms
fool trick victimize cheat swindle dupe betray disappoint entrap hoodwink circumvent falsify defraud delude scam clip rob ensnare hoax hook beguile fake sell screw gouge gull outwit cozen bamboozle beat burn humbug fleece bilk skin con double-cross put on take advantage of take in buffalo beat out of cross up impose upon lead on play joke on pull fast one suck in take for take for ride take to cleaners
Deceive antonyms
aid assist protect release help support give offer let go be honest
Usage of Deceive in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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