Decently meaning in hindi
As noun : शालीनतापूर्वक Ex:  Behave decently
As adverb :
शालीनता से Ex:  He behaves decently with everyone. सही ढंग से Ex:  Getting Dressed decently
Other : शिष्टतापूर्वक Ex:  D a decently
ExamplesDecently synonyms
sufficiently competently satisfactorily appropriately abundantly modestly suitably acceptably capably copiously fairly well fittingly pleasantly enough presentably to an acceptable degree tolerably well enough perfectly rightly nicely accurately properly precisely befittingly decorously fitly to a t amply barely moderately rather reasonably so-so admissibly averagely commensurately passably proportionately equally honorably rightfully duly honestly legally candidly frankly helpfully equitably legitimately lawfully impartially beneficently benevolently benignly charitably duteously dutifully evenhandedly respectably righteously straightforwardly temperately tolerantly unreservedly uprightly virtuously evenly objectively reliably sincerely squarely conscientiously dispassionately ethically without bias without prejudice scrupulously truthfully laudably trustworthily Decently antonyms
inadequately insufficiently unequally unsatisfactorily unsuitably unjustly inaccurately incorrectly mistakenly wrongly flawed unfairly indirectly inappropriately dishonorably worthlessly Usage of Decently in sentences
The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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