Decide meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Decide
As noun : इनफिसाल Ex:  Why are you flanneling the issue? Do decide promptly.
उक्तवाक्य Ex:  He was not able to decide whether he should go for the movie. जजमेंट Ex:  I will decide among Fred, Tom, and Alice . तजवीज Ex:  They may decide to restore the antebellum territorial boundaries तस्फिया Ex:  Tepeu and Gucumatz hold a conference and decide that धर्मव्यवस्था Ex:  1948 to decide between continuing with the Commission of Government निरूवार Ex:  PCA3 is not a replacement for PSA but an additional tool to help decide if फैसल Ex:  Do not decide you still think about it, retâtez you उ:   फिल्म का लेखन और निर्देशन हबीब फैसल द्वारा किया गया है। फैसला Ex:  Freedom of indifference, Faculty attributed to man by some philosophers to decide independently of any reason for decision उ:   फिर आत्माओं का अंतिम फैसला होगा। वारान्यारा Ex:  Give due to someone, vote for it, decide that it is founded in what he says or what he does
As verb : चयन पर पहुँचाना Ex:  Dont decide in a jiffy, analyse the problem minutely. डिढाना Ex:  Growers can then decide whether to try the full technology. तय करना Ex:  They then decide when to recommend starting treatment. तै करना Ex:  Most modern browsers allow users to decide whether to accept cookies निपटाना Ex:  It is difficult to decide when the Middle Ages ended निरताना Ex:  Canada has until 2012 to decide on purchasing the F-35 निरथाना Ex:  "Let the partners give advice and leave it to the country to decide . निरूवारना Ex:  The people decide that the Danaids deserve protection निर्णय करना Ex:  The home population must also decide that the cause of their nation is just. निर्णय तक पहुँचना Ex:  "I did not decide to become an officer to start a military career. निर्णय देना Ex:  Finally these rules decide the rights of the citizen . निर्णायन Ex:  Absolutely, He is a man who likes to decide who decides too boldly निर्धार, निर्धारण Ex:  Absolutely, Now, do you decide निश्चय करना Ex:  Action to decide whether or result of this action निश्चयना Ex:  But she decide by the end of certain words like Amer, cheap, sea, etc निश्चित करना Ex:  By extension, the Jury of Honour Meeting appointed arbitrators to decide a question which concerns the honor फ़ैसला सुनाना Ex:  City Council, elected Assembly which is to decide on the affairs of the town and its financial management फिरयाना Ex:  Collect the voice, vote, Take voices, votes, opinions of those who are in a meeting at which it is to decide something विनिश्वय करना Ex:  He batted and redesigned these stuffs without being able to decide for any विशेषना Ex:  He dares not decide between these two generals, both speakers सुलझाना Ex:  I do not know what I decide
Other : ठहराना Ex:  1166 to decide the issue
Decide ki paribhasha : kisi ulajhi hui vastu ki ulajhan door karana vaadi prativaadi ke bich upasthit vivaad ka nirnay
Decide synonyms
resolve elect conclude rule choose determine vote end establish agree select opt decree clinch tap figure adjudicate gather guess award will mediate adjudge purpose cinch pick conjecture poll surmise arrive at conclusion call shots cast the die come to agreement come to conclusion come to decision commit oneself draw a conclusion fix upon form opinion go down line have final word make a decision make up mind reach decision take a stand
Decide antonyms
waver commence unsettle refuse grow delay hesitate postpone procrastinate put off wait begin start plant defer
Usage of Decide in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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