Declamation meaning in hindi
As noun : अड्रेस Ex:  There was a declamation competition at the school.
अभिवदन Ex:  A college declamation अलंकृत भाषण Ex:  Chant, monotone declamation आघोषण Ex:  His plea, his factum contains no solid reason, it is a continual declamation घोषणा Ex:  It introduced this kind of declamation उ: नाम घोषणा के समय उसका अनावरण किया जाए। प्रवाचन Ex:  It is a fairly flat declamation प्रोक्लेमेशन Ex:  Professor declamation भाषण Ex:  There voices rises needed in the declamation उ: वे भाषण की कला में निपुण थे। वाकचातुर्य Ex:  We did not use that in terms of music, or speaking of theatrical declamation विकत्था शंस शब्दपाण्डित्य समुद् गार
Declamation ki paribhasha : uchch svar se kisi baat ki soochana
ExamplesDeclamation synonyms
lecture tirade speech oration address oratory speechmaking haranguing speechifying spouting Usage of Declamation in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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