Decree meaning in hindi
As noun : अगिआँ Ex: The decree was issued by the courts against the accessed.
अदालती हुक्म Ex: the absoluteness of the popes decree could not be challenged अभ्यनुज्ञा Ex: Subsequently the country was ruled by decree by Konstantin Päts अम्र Ex: A further source of provocation was an Athenian decree अववाद Ex: Even after the decree आज्ञप्ति Ex: Eternal law is the decree of God that governs all creation. आज्ञाप्ति Ex: According to the provisions of the decree आदेश देना Ex: According to the most stringent provision of the decree आदेश Ex: Yeltsin issued a decree canceling almost all of these promises. उ: ये वे सूचनाएँ, आदेश अथवा तरीके हैं। आर्ज्ञप्त Ex: The text of the Rosetta Stone is a decree from Ptolemy V ईमा Ex: Bhumibol signed a royal decree endorsing new House elections for October 15 डिक्री लाना या देना Ex: In a decree issued on July 1 डिक्री Ex: The decree also stipulated for the flags to measure 14.3 meters by 25 meters उ: परंतु इसके लिए डिक्री का पास होना आवश्यक है। प्रशिष्टि Ex: A census conducted by royal decree on September 30,1858 मैनडेट Ex: In a decree of October 30 वयुन Ex: By decree of the Emperor himself शास्त्रि Ex: The decree signaled the end of massive Soviet purges. हुकम Ex: Before issuing the decree हुकम्म Ex: Lukashenko not only issued a decree calling for the creation of the BRSM
Other : आज्ञा देना Ex: Pericles passed a decree dispatching an expedition to Samos डिगरी Ex: A government decree that takes effect on Sept. निर्णय करना Ex: According to the decree of October 10
Decree ki paribhasha : auchity aur anauchity aadi ka vichaar karake kisi vishay ke do pakshon men se ek paksh ko thik thaharaana vidhi ya nishchay ke anukool praatibndh adaalat ka vah phaisala jisake jariye se kisi pharik ko koi hak milata hai kisi kaary ka aayojan jyotish shaastr men grahon ka phal
ExamplesDecree synonyms
edict statute instruction directive announcement proclamation injunction regulation ruling law judgment commandment direction dictum rap promulgation ordinance enactment prescript pronouncement charge precept behest say bidding declaration ukase charging decretum the riot act the word impose dictate declare proclaim set force decide oblige compel require ordain prescribe determine demand constrain lay down the law read the riot act put one's foot down Decree antonyms
answer disorganization lawlessness hinder delay hesitate conceal hide let go Usage of Decree in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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