Deep meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Deep
As noun : अंटीबाज Ex:  A submarine can dive down very deep .
अंबुधि Ex:  He fell into a deep torpor. अंबुनिधि Ex:  I have a deep presentiment that we might meet an accident. अंबुभृत् Ex:  A fish spawns in deep waters. अठकपाली Ex:  he hit a double to deep centerfield अथग Ex:  The symmetry of her face was spoiled by a long and deep scar on her forehead. अपिच्छिल Ex:  Geysers are formed due to the heating of water deep in the earth. अप्पति Ex:  he took a deep breath and dived into the pool अबुप Ex:  in the deep of night अबुपति Ex:  The accident left a deep gash on his back. अभोराशी Ex:  His sentences had deep meanings.
He had a deep voice.
अर्णवपति Ex:  The surgeons knife penetrated deep into the patient body. आपनिधि Ex:  A fish lays its spawns in deep waters. आपपति Ex:  The car fell into a deep gorge. उदन्वान् Ex:  The sedimentary rocks are found deep in the earth. ऊर्ब Ex:  She sat there deep in contemplation. औंड़ा Ex:  Willie is in deep with his bookie . किटकिनाबाज Ex:  We stared out at the deep snow . कूलंकष Ex:  We towed the raft out where the water is deep . क्षीरनिधि Ex:  She woke up from a deep sleep . खुरटि Ex:  Modern deep diving submarines are derived from the bathyscaphe गँभीर Ex:  The sinkhole was 100.5m deep गंगाधर Ex:  Lyme is a deep tissue infection and by the time encephalopathy is established उ:   बाल गंगाधर तिलक को देश लखनऊ समझौता और केसरी अखबार के लिए याद करता है। गंभीर Ex:  Flukes are lifted very high out of the water before a whale begins a deep dive. उ:   इस तरह उसने राजतंत्र को गंभीर पेशा बनाया। गरकाब Ex:  Farmers were in deep trouble as prices fell by 60%. गरवी Ex:  Music and Radio has a strong tradition and deep roots in Lviv. गरुअ Ex:  Bananas are also eaten deep fried गरुवा Ex:  Once home, he slumps onto his bed and enters a very deep sleep. गर्क Ex:  This area produces Purkinje cells and deep cerebellar nuclear neurons. गहन Ex:  Soft tofu that has been thinly sliced and deep fried उ:   पंजाब बहुत ही गहन परिस्थितियों से गुजर रहा था। गहराई में Ex:  British dugouts were usually 8 to 16 feet deep गूढ Ex:  Both of these species are trainable and capable of repetitive deep diving. उ:   इनकी रचनाओं में ज्ञात व भक्ति की भावनाओं का गूढ समावेश है। घुटा Ex:  The North Sea averages about 100 m deep चंद्रजनक Ex:  The Kinneret is situated deep in the Jordan Great Rift Valley चलाँक Ex:  There he acquired a deep interest in astronomy, astrology, and magic. चालाक Ex:  The jaws were tipped with a deep छटैल Ex:  The deep ocean floor is thought to be fairly flat जलपति Ex:  The Zambezi valley, running along the southern border, is both deep and wide. जलरास Ex:  Wolf bites usually causes damage deep in the underlying tissues. जलेश Ex:  Most platforms at deep tube stations have pits beneath the track जिसकी जड नीचे तक हो Ex:  Citing its "beautiful cut-scenes and a deep जिसकी जड़ नीचे तक हो Ex:  Bzyb and Kodori ranges – dividing the area into a number of deep झषनिकेत Ex:  The relationship between human and canine has deep roots. डूबा हुआ Ex:  Waking from a deep sleep, she resists Klingsor. तरंत Ex:  Sailing has deep roots in Anguillian culture, and is the national sport. तिमिकोश Ex:  Yellowstone Lake is up to 400 feet deep and has 110 miles of shoreline. तिमिमाली Ex:  Two deep canyons are located in the park तीव्र Ex:  Italian folk music has a deep and complex history. उ:   फैलिन या पायलिन एक तीव्र उष्णकटिबंधीय चक्रवात है। तोयधि Ex:  Many species of frog have deep calls, or croaks. तोयनिधि Ex:  As the waters around Antarctica are very deep तोयराज Ex:  They made raids deep into Anatolia as far as Chalcedon दूर तक Ex:  There was less emphasis on combined arms, deep penetration or concentration. धरणीप्लव Ex:  These eolian loess deposits may be very deep धुनीनाथ Ex:  Botswana has long had deep ties to the economy of South Africa. नदनदीपति Ex:  Agassi had several other deep runs at tournaments नदपति Ex:  Robert S. Lopez has contended that it was a period of deep economic recession. नदराज Ex:  Davidson was a fine pianist and always had a deep interest in music नदीकांत Ex:  Congress authorized a 6 foot deep channel project on the Mississippi नदीनिवास Ex:  São Paulo's economy is going through a deep transformation. नदीपति Ex:  Berkeley argued that there is no deep distinction between mental states नीरनिधि Ex:  Nukualofa harbour is the only deep water harbour of the island . परांगब Ex:  Orliac has observed that the deep black indention पश्च Ex:  Michigan has 38 deep water ports. उ:   इस प्रखर अग्र, मध्य तथा पश्च कई स्तंभ बन गए हैं। पाथनाथ Ex:  Mumbai lies on the west coast of India and has a deep natural harbour. पाथरासि Ex:  Blade Runner has numerous and deep similarities to Fritz Lang's Metropolis पाथि Ex:  Bulgaria has tamed inflation since the deep economic crisis in 1996-1997 पृथिवीप्लव Ex:  This view can be contrasted with deep ecology पेयु Ex:  The deep forests of the Olympic Peninsula पेरु Ex:  Tank crews usually have a negative reaction towards deep fording. उ:   आधुनिकतम सेल का निर्यात किये जाने वाले देशों में चिली, एवं पेरु हैं। प्रतीचीपति Ex:  Once the allies had penetrated deep into Iraqi territory प्रतूर्ण, प्रतूर्त Ex:  The reef is bound seaward by deep water, and inside by a sandy beach. प्रमत Ex:  Survival/rescue more than 2 m deep is relatively rare . प्रविविक्त Ex:  The Charyn Canyon is 150–300 metres deep and 80 kilometres long प्रशत्त्वा, प्रशवा Ex:  110 feet wide and 32 feet deep but the channels are not kept that deep. प्राणमास्वान् Ex:  Mays' pop-up was hit to deep right center फरहर ‡ Ex:  A deep बनपथ Ex:  A deep cut बहुत नीचे Ex:  A deep hello बह्र Ex:  A deep ideologue बैठकबाज Ex:  A deep knowledge भुविसू Ex:  A deep political मंद Ex:  A deep science उ:   हृदयगति मंद हो जाती है और जागने पर एकाएक बढ़ जाती है। मन्द Ex:  A written deep उ:   इन्द्रियों के भोगों में भटकने की गति मन्द हो जाती है। मर्मव्यथा Ex:  Antique Corps heavily armed spearmen who fought in four, eight, twelve, sixteen ranks deep and मुतफन्नी Ex:  By analogy, it means Bring down deep in water मुरशिद Ex:  Dark Night, clear, calm, deep मुर्शिद् Ex:  Dead silence, deep Silence मुलायम Ex:  deep उ:   मुलायम चीज़ उच्च कैलोरी युक्त होता है व आसानी से फैलाया जा सकता है। मुस्तैद Ex:  deep vessels, apparent मृदु Ex:  DEPTHS, plural, means deep Parties रत्नगर्भ Ex:  Dig deep furrows रत्ननायक Ex:  Digging deep रत्नराशि Ex:  Down in his heart, deep in his heart लखमीतात Ex:  Drink deep drafts, the régalade लबणकर Ex:  ENTERING works figuratively and signifies discover, reach know, have a deep knowledge of something लबणांभ Ex:  Everyone was in a deep surprise लवणजल Ex:  fall into a deep boredom वरुणावास Ex:  Falling into a deep sleep वरुणोद Ex:  Geography Region deep underwater वा रनाथ Ex:  God knows the depths of hearts, bed deep in our hearts वाराशि Ex:  He engraved it deep in the heart वारिराशि Ex:  He found himself in a deep night वारींवद्र Ex:  He has deep knowledge of history वार्द्घि Ex:  He lives in a large, deep in retirement वार्धि Ex:  Honor, dealing with deep respect विंझ Ex:  Ignorance thick, deep Ignorance विनिमग्न Ex:  In terms of biology, it means continuous and deep change of beings and things, whereby they are gradually transforming विमज्जित Ex:  In terms of river Marine, he said that the Touage s' operates with chains embedded deep in water व्यवगाढ़ Ex:  It also means deep Who is व्यायत Ex:  It also means, in general, a lively and deep pain व्रृडित Ex:  It also says in terms of surgery, some of elongated instruments, cylindrical, hollow, made of different materials, which are used to inject, hold open deep wounds शंखी Ex:  It is deep in thought शीघ्रीय Ex:  It is figuratively called Everything injured deep soul समद्धत Ex:  It means figuratively, in ordinary language, Stirring deep , passionate, lead समुद्र Ex:  It said, in terms of Botany, deep streaks you notice on the stem of some plants उ:   यहाँ के समुद्र तट पर प्रसिद्ध बार बीच है। सम्मग्न Ex:  It said, in terms of history natural, rays or deep scratches सरिदभर्ता Ex:  Labour superficial, light, deep plowing सरिद्वत् Ex:  Mammal omnivore, low on legs, black coat, gray and white, widening deep burrows सलिलनिधि Ex:  Nullity deep सलिलराशि Ex:  of Botany and Natural History Who is divided into three deep divisions सवणांबुगशि Ex:  Peace is made, people will taste a deep rest सागर Ex:  Push deep sighs उ:   यह पश्चिम में कैस्पियन सागर पर सीमा भी है। सामंद Ex:  Said it, in terms of natural history, rays or deep scratches सिंधुनाथ Ex:  Sinking in deep reveries सिंधुराज Ex:  Sleeping from a deep sleep सुधानिधि Ex:  That memory still lives deep in my soul सेँधु Ex:  The loss of this friend has caused me great regret, I left a regret, very sorry, deep regret सेँधुर Ex:  The past participle GERÄNDELT, EE, is used to characterize especially adjectively Anything that provides grooves, furrows, deep scratches स्तिभि Ex:  The past participle is used in adjectively Traveled terms of anatomy and Natural History, to Qualify organs, parts are marked with That deep scratches, hollow gold stripes slots स्रोतपत Ex:  The thickness a wood, a forest, said of the place where the wood, where the forest is deep हिरण्यद Ex:  These grooves are not deep enough
As adjective : अटपट Ex:  The king was in deep slumber. अपिच्छिल Ex:  Geysers are formed due to the heating of water deep in the earth. अमीक Ex:  Draw a deep breath उद्गगाढ Ex:  I have a carpet which has a deep pile. ऊँडा Ex:  Even after seven days of his mothers death, he was in deep mourning. औंड़ा Ex:  Willie is in deep with his bookie . गम्भीर Ex:  15 miles long and up to half a mile deep उ:   उन्होंने भारतीय धर्म का गम्भीर अध्ययन किया। गहरा Ex:  The mixture is bound together with starch and deep fried. उ:   गहरा दाग़ १९६३ में बनी हिन्दी भाषा की फिल्म है। गहिर Ex:  The deep division in the Federalist party came on the army issue. गहीरो, गहीरौ Ex:  " , they felt deep sympathy, and saw his courage and sense of humor. दूरारूढ Ex:  These cracks can be up to 50 meters deep मग्न Ex:  A very deep sleep उ:   उस समय सम्पूर्ण ब्रज के जल मग्न हो जाने का आशंका उत्पन्न हो गई थी। व्यायत Ex:  It also means, in general, a lively and deep pain
As adverb : अगाधित्व Ex:  his state is in the deep south अतलता Ex:  He appears to be friendly, but deep down hes very selfish. अनवगाहिता Ex:  Euclyptus has very long and deep roots.
Dentist pulled the tooth out by the root.
The root of the problem lies in his quarrelsome behavior.
गहराई Ex:  Betalains are responsible for the deep red color of beets उ:   इस झील की गहराई १२ मीटर है। गहरी Ex:  The site only allowed for the building to be one room deep उ:   यहां की गहरी घाटियों की सुंदरता देखते ही बनती है। गहीराई Ex:  The locks are designed to be 280 m long, 35 m wide, and 5 m deep .
Other : अवगाहन Ex:  The surgeon made a deep incision in the thigh. गभीर Ex:  Both are associated with a deep winter low pressure system. गह्वर Ex:  To the west of the river the land consists of deep canyons and rolling plains. गाढा Ex:  While riding deep in the Lost Woods गाढ़ा Ex:  Cash was known for his deep गूढ़ Ex:  Mellut Rift Basin is nearly 12 km deep at its central part. घोर Ex:  The Semang have a deep ancestry within the Malay Peninsula उ:   इसके बाद मंत्रियों ने मुनियों की घोर निंदा की। नीचा Ex:  The settlement soon grew as a deep water port मंद्र Ex:  A deep thinker सुदृढ Ex:  Solitude deep, deep retreat, Solitude, retirement free attendance, Trade men उ:   दोनों ने तिरुवितांकूर राज्य की सुदृढ नींव डाली।
Deep ki paribhasha : jisaka svaad phika na ho nity ya shaashvat bhaavana athava koi bhi tikaaou vastu, dradh sthiti ya dasha smrati men paaanch prakaar ki saakshiyon men se ek saakshi jise arthi ne pratyarthi ka vachan suna diya ho vah jalaraashi jo prathvi ko chaaron or se ghere hue hai aur jo is prathvital ke praayaः tin chaturthaansh men vyaapt hai .... kuchh ooancha aur apane sthaan se badha hua svar paani jisamen jamin bahut andar jaakar mile vah haathi jisaki chhaati or madhy bhaag ki bali dhili ho, pet labaa, chamad motaa, galaa, kokh aur punchh ki chanvari moti ho tatha jisaki drashti sinh ke samaan ho vah halaki jutaayi jo paani barasane par dhaan ke boe hue kheton men ki jaati hai
Deep synonyms
wide rooted profound broad deep-seated buried underground low abysmal below beneath bottomless distant immersed inmost subterranean unfathomable abyssal submarine yawning downreaching fathomless subaqueous submerged sunk heavy acute complex serious hidden difficult occult secret wise abstruse arcane concealed discerning esoteric hermetic incisive intricate learned mysterious obscure penetrating recondite sagacious sibylline delphic orphic hard to understand tricky sharp knowing keen cunning designing artful astute canny crafty foxy insidious intriguing shrewd sly wily guileful contriving plotting set intent musing lost abstracted concentrated engaged fixed into preoccupied rapt wrapped centered enfolded focused wrapped up great vivid dark rich strong extreme alto contralto grave resonant sonorous booming low-pitched baritone bass full-toned low-toned ocean blue drink briny middle brine main the high seas davy jones's locker poseidon's realm
Deep antonyms
restricted frivolous ignorant superficial trivial unintelligent aboveboard artless flighty pale narrow shallow open quiet soft unimportant stupid known slight easy happy plain simple frank honest blunt dull slow cheerful weak poor mild moderate
Usage of Deep in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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