Defalcation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Defalcation
As noun : गबन
Defalcation ki paribhasha : abhiyogon aadi ka niyamaanusaar vichaar vyavahaar men maalik ke ya kisi doosare ke saunpe hue maal ko khaalena
Defalcation synonyms
loss liquidation disaster insolvency default failure ruination privation nonpayment destitution lack indigence indebtedness repudiation exhaustion chapter 11 pauperism overdraft destituteness flaw failing weakness defect dearth glitch insufficiency shortcoming scarcity frailty demerit bug paucity absence dereliction want need sin neglect inability to hack it insufficience shortfall arrears dues in the red dead horse due bill in hock in the hole red ink misuse larceny fraud misappropriation theft abstraction misapplication thieving pilferage peculation skimming filching pilfering purloining imperfection incapacity ineffectiveness ineptitude inefficiency blemish unsuitableness unfitness drawback incompetency inefficacy meagerness poverty incompetence ineffectualness faultiness inaptness incompleteness inadequateness defectiveness skimpiness lapse curtailment pinch tightness leanness
Defalcation antonyms
accomplishment achievement success win richness solvency wealth perfection advantage strong point abundance enough plenty surplus sufficiency adequacy satisfaction strength excess faultlessness superfluity superfluousness compensation pay reimbursement return extra ability ample affluence lot
Usage of Defalcation in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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