Defective meaning in hindi
As adjective : खाँगो Ex: In terms of Printing & Bookstore, Pass, passed from hand, Hand of paper that delivers the worker printer in addition to each train to used to start-up and to supplement the leaves that would defective
त्रुटिपूर्ण Ex: It also said an extremely ugly or defective in Thing kind उ: सामाजिक संविदा के सिद्धांत का दार्शनिक आधार भी त्रुटिपूर्ण है। दोषयुक्त Ex: It also says, especially in terms of Art, weak or defective Parties in a fabric, in wood, in any विस्खलित Ex: The purpose of this window is defective हस्तवाम Ex: There is something to be desired, it is poor, there is something missing, that is defective
Other : असंपूर्ण Ex: When this protein is defective ऊन Ex: His ideas about people he considered defective centered on the deaf. उ: अंगोरा ऊन खरगोश से प्राप्त होता है। ऐबदार Ex: A defective inventory ऐबी Ex: A goods delivered in a defective condition उ: ऐबी बायीं ओर स्थित है। कदर्य Ex: Braire, frying, gésir are defective verbs कदर्यता Ex: defective condition of the eye in which the rays of light, instead of going to train their focus on the retina, will meet at -delà खराब Ex: help the letter Supplementing what is missing in a sentence, in a dark or defective transition उ: खराब नींद के कई कारण हैं। खोटा Ex: Irregularities conformation in a person, in an animal, That which is defective in the arrangement of parts of his body, in his झूठा Ex: It also means figuratively What there is something defective in ना Ex: It is used especially in terms of means and Palais Making defective उ: शाश्वत का अर्थ होता है जो कभी ना खत्म हो या जिसे कभी कोई मिटा ना सके। बुरा Ex: It means figuratively and familiarly, what he Rectifier defective it in a case, try to justify, to overcome a fault उ: जिसका बुरा परिणाम हम आज भोग रहे है। मन्दबुद्धि Ex: State what is defective
Defective ki paribhasha : jisapar aapatti ya etaraaj kiya ja sake
ExamplesDefective synonyms
damaged unhealthy deficient inadequate abnormal unsound insufficient faulty amiss impaired imperfect incomplete injured lacking out of order poor sick unfinished wanting flawed blemished on the bum seconds subnormal Defective antonyms
working adequate ample enough sufficient excellent faultless flawless perfect strong well sound unbroken Usage of Defective in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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