Defence meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Defence
As noun : अनाक्रांतना Ex:  The public prosecutor denied the defence lawywers statement.
इहतियात Ex:  There has been a major upgrade in defence technology. उत्तर पक्ष Ex:  Telegraph is used by the defence frequently. उवारा Ex:  He played in defence in the football team. गोपीथ Ex:  Although departments like defence छत्रछाँह Ex:  On 24 February 1652 Milton published his Latin defence of the English People डिफेंस Ex:  Air France, as well as the insurance, banking, and defence industries. निरूवार Ex:  1812. Czar Alexander I proclaimed a Patriotic War in defence of the motherland. प्रतिपक्ष Ex:  General Magnus Malan, as defence minister. उ:   इसके बाद दूसरा चरण प्रतिपक्ष प्रारंभ होता है। प्रतिरक्षा Ex:  It also established federal responsibility for defence उ:   यही सक्रिय प्रतिरक्षा होती है। बचाउ Ex:  As regards our defence programmes बचाव Ex:  Total defence spending currently accounts for 2.2% of total national GDP उ:   वह लातूर में आपराधिक बचाव वकील थे। मफर Ex:  It has large manufacturing, defence and research zones. रक्षा कड़ी Ex:  70% of Australian defence companies are located in Adelaide. रक्षा Ex:  Another notable defence of the Origin was "Creation by Law" उ:   यह तो तुम्हारे रक्षा कवच का प्रताप है। रक्षाआ Ex:  In the 2006–07 budget, defence spending is A$22 bn. संघ के खिलाड़ी Ex:  His title defence in 1997 proved unsuccessful संत्राण Ex:  The UK retains responsibility for defence सुरक्षा Ex:  France is responsible for the defence of the islands. उ:   लेकिन वह सुरक्षा का इंतजाम पहले से किए रहता है। हिफ्ज Ex:  Military defence is the responsibility of the United Kingdom.
Other : कक्षा Ex:  Ravi is in the logistics department of the defence services. उ:   यह दसवीं कक्षा के समकक्ष परीक्षाएं होती हैं। जवाबदारी Ex:  Currently the leading organization in the Estonian cyber defence is the CERT त्राण Ex:  Despite the defence by some grammarians उ:   अब ऐसे त्राण बने जिनकी तौल तीन पौंड से भी कम थी। प्रतिवाद (विधि Ex:  Coastal defence was provided by several skeppslag प्रतिवाद रक्षा Ex:  Azanian People's Liberation Army , and the former Bantustan defence forces. सफाई Ex:  The country relies heavily on France for its defence उ:   सफेद साबुन के लिए तेल और रंग की सफाई नितांत आवश्यक है। हिमायत Ex:  10.0% in public administrations and defence
Defence ki paribhasha : ishaan aur vaayavy kon ke bich ki disha vah baat jo kisi doosari baat athava siddhaatn ka virodh karane ke liye kahi jaay aapaatti, kasht ya naash aadi se bachaana maila, kooda, karakat aadi hataane ki kriya
Usage of Defence in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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